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Everything posted by turtle55

  1. i guess i am not really asking for advice but...i dunno..just wanted to talk...so it's been over 3 months since the text message that ended it all..haha...a text message...but i've been thinking of this young man recently even looked at pictures...i still want him and i know that it's never going to happen and that he is probably one of the last people i need to be with but...well... word i'm human ya know??... i want him b/c he rejected me and i was in love with him...how many of you out there don't know what i'm talking about??... there are always those people that can shake you to the very core of your being...you feel high when you are with them or talk to them...and you are soo happy and you tell all of your friends...almost everyone you know, right??...then when it's over...how do you feel??...hurt, devastated, humiliated??...but what do you feel even more?? hopeful...you hope they will call you...even if it is in the middle of the night...even if they are 3 sheets to the wind...you hold out that hope that they will call and say that they were soo wrong and you are the best thing that ever happened to them and they want you to come back...i have been in this situation...and i, like many of you, realize that those phone calls don't mean anything really to the person who is calling you ... but what did that phone call do??..what did that person do to you again?? shook you... we are all (except for the "healed people") going through a very difficult time here... and i think...well...we all in our own little ways...want someone to tell us that what we are feeling is normal ..which it totally is...and to an extent we want someone to tell us that our desire to call or write to our ex's is ok and we should do that...i don't think that we will get that advice (which is the BEST thing ever...believe me)...we want to be with our ex's and we don't...but we need to realize...as the dumpee's...it isn't up to us..is it??...we have to wait for the "go ahead" from the dumpers...crazy place to be isn't it...and seriously...there is no quick fix...no way to get over someone quickly...here's what i propose to those of you who have recently (and i'm talking within the past few weeks) broken up with someone...dwell on it a little...you need to go through all of the sadness and anger so you can move on...the only thing that can help is time...and a little reflection...but people who are farther along in this "moving on" process...feel free...advise me
  2. I'm going to have to agree with everyone else and say that this diet is not in the least bit healthy. "Taking a crap," as you so eloquently put it, is your body's way of naturally releasing toxins from your body. Eating all of the raw fruits and veggies should actually be causing you to go more frequently than once a week b/c of their fiber content. And your painful experiences with defecation may be the result of a medical problem, like Irritable Bowel Syndrome. And this Vegan lifestyle is all well and good but when you are only "crapping" once a week and it occurs like you say, that's a sign of a problem, not a miracle. See a doctor.
  3. I have, for the last 2 years, been in a roller coaster of a relationship with a young man. I'm a college student and he isn't. He's four years older than me and has been on his own since like 18 and I'm still pretty dependent on my parents. Like I said, roller coaster this guy is. (had a yoda moment there) He broke up with me before he left for VA where he was stationed(July). He called me right before Halloween and told me that he missed me and after a brief conversation told me to call him back the next day. I called and called (not a good thing I realize this now!)--no response. He called after New Years and we talked about nothing really. Then I don't hear from him until the end of January. Ok this conversation is good. He's drunk. He loves me, he wants to get married etc. I didn't believe him of course. I'm not a complete moron! But after this conversation , to this day even, he says that he never said any of that. I receive several more drunken phone calls. He antagonizes me when he's sober. He admits he slept with someone else and so I tell him I don't want to talk to him again. This didn't last of course. But he admits later that he is scared that I will break his heart. Gah. I spend the night with him when he comes through town on his way to the next city he's stationed at. What a mistake! I realize I still have STRONG feelings for him. I decide I will fly out to see him. All summer then we talk. Several times a week. He misses me. Can't wait to see me. Think I got another "I love you" as well. So I go. I had a good time just being with him. Had some issues with a girl his friend brought with him to visit. But other than that...a good time. I go home. I'm going to leave for college. I say we can have a "don't ask, don't tell relationship since we're on two different coasts. He says no. He wants to know. Then I don't hear from him for a week. Then I get to school. I think 2 days after being there he sends me a text message saying that I need to find someone else. (Always I need to find someone else) Needless to say we start talking again. We both say the "I love you". I figure...why pretent? I love the guy. I only have one shot with him kinda. We plan for me to come see him again before he goes out on deployment. Then no more than I would say 3 weeks after the "I love you's " and he says he is going to come see me instead of visiting his friend, he tells me he's met someone new. He did this right before my finals. I managed to keep myself very busy so I never had time to dwell on it. Now that I've left school for the summer, it's hitting me. It's over. I don't want it to be. I'm in love with this guy. I've read many times that our feelings won't change when reflecting on these people b/c we only remember the good times with the person and yaddah yaddah. I remember every bad thing that he ever did/said to me and how i felt each time. Gah....how do I get over him. I want him and I don't know if there is any hope. Probably not though? Please people tell me what to do! PLease don't respond with "Just forget him."
  4. well..i don't know what area you're shaving but if it is anything south of the border...legs, bikini, ya know...along those lines....putting regular white solid deoderant after shaving keeps from getting razor burn and decreases ingrown hairs
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