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Posts posted by DragonGirl724

  1. crnflakegrl made a good point...do you think you have deeper feelings for him???


    maybe I do....but I just keep telling myself I don't because I've always heard that whenever a friendship turns into something more, the friendship is ruined...so i don't want that to happen...plus, i can't really see us together...


    YOU SOUND JUST LIKE ME! this jealousy is because you have feelings for him you havent admitted to yet. i am/was in the same boat. lol


    it sucks.



  2. well i was in the same boat before...my best guy friend liked our mutual friend..i was all about them hookin up, then i got jealous...it was b/c i felt 'replaced'. i felt like she was now the #1 girl in his life. i felt like our friendship wasnt as special anymore. i felt like he liked her more...but when they stopped seein eachother i was cool again. i think its also b/c deep down i may care about him more than a friend...which i have acknowledged. and felt its best to disconcern myself with. hes too special to risk it...


    does any of this ring a bell? or sound all too familiar?



  3. we all here fear for your life. dont keep us worrying. i suggest breaking it off over the phone, and dont call from your home. when you DO MAKE THE CALL, dont break down. be strong! LET HIM HAVE IT! NO IFs ANDs OR BUTs!! DONT LISTEN TO ANY OF HIS REASONINGS, PLEADS, OR EXCUSES!!! JUST SAY YOUR PIECE AND HANG UP!! DITCH THIS PSYCHO!!!




    im appauled at you "compromising"...


    head youre opening willing to accept verbal abuse from this guy. dont say we didnt warn you.


    GOODLUCK is all i have left to say....



  4. POST HIS PROFILE ON link removed!


    link removed


    warn other girls about his evil ways.




    OMG I can't believe there is actually a website like this out there......


    their quote is "we dont hate men, only the jerks."


    id put his profile up just for the hell of it. maybe someone will see it. you dont have to sign up for it. you dont leave your name, nothing. and if he by chance finds it he'd have to pay $25 to get it removed...and you can always put it back up afterwards. lol





    The current annual population increase of about 80 million will remain constant until 2015. Currently world population is growing by about 80 million people per year.


    read the stats!:

    link removed


    this post was meant to inform those who can not financially provide for their children maybe its not the best idea to have any at that time! rain, youre on something else here...



  6. well people it seems to work out for me. ive never had any complaints and if a relationship dwindles, its usually my call. so i must be doing somethings right. all im sayin is be yourself. dont try to impress anyone and youd be amazed at how impressed they can be. thats how i roll and i feel thats the most successful kind of relationships. ones that are comfortable from day 1.



  7. as i promised here is some tips for the FELLAS :


    for those of you that are visual learners check out this websyte:

    link removed


    (it breaks down 'all the girly parts' that make up the better 1/2 of the population- the females .) hahahaha jk


    nah for real it really describes, to put in such words, "all the orphases" & "parts" of the female anatomy. BUT NOT TO MAKE THIS SOUND LIKE AN ONLINE SEX ED CLASS just check that websyte out if at any point of this post you get confused & say: 'wait, where is that again??'


    * oral sex for some, if not most, females is far more pleasurable than actual intercourse. to some it plays a very vital role of an intimate relationship. a girl friend of mine stayed w/ her boyfriend -now husband- (b/c he was a nice guy of course) BUT she admitted a big part of it was b/c "he knows how to eat *****."


    its easier for some females to reach orgasm via oral sex rather than intercourse simply b/c of 2 things:


    The Almighty Clitoris




    the surrounding nerves of the vagina.


    those 2 areas are the most sensitive for a woman.


    * in my previous post i informed the ladies to start oral sex off in an interesting way...to remove any if not all clothing with the mouth & teeth. if the act is going to be oral then it should start, finish & end orally. plus girls underwear can be verrrry sexy & are practically BEGGING to be taken off sentually! (let alone with the teeth) *ROWR BABY!* its also a way to set you apart from the rest of the guys. it is very appealing to see a man carefully (or not so carefully ) take the time out to shed the fabrics hiding all that beauty. not to mention itll add to your sexual tension & in a way 'tease yourself' by brushing up against her womanhood with your lips even before getting into the act of oral. and theres nothing at all wrong w/ using your fingertips to kinda gently 'peek' at whats hiding in her underwear before removing it fully. itll kinda get her mind amped too.


    * once the clothes are off & youve divided up plenty of time to all her body parts (breasts, legs, butt, stomach, neck, ears, lips etc,....) & its time for the REAL DEAL some cant wait to 'dive in like a hungry wolf' lol & others may be a little confused & hesitant...both perfectly normal responses.


    * maybe im just speaking from personal likes & dislikes b/c i AM a female & all , but ill try to generalize everything to suit many girls.


    - first id suggest to moisten the entire area. there is nothing appealing or fun about working in a dry environment. so gently navigate your toungue up & down in long strokes. spread her legs & her 'outer lips' aka LABIA (see diagram) maybe she can help you with that part. some guys love seeing a female's hand by her genitals it drives them wild so maybe she can assist in keeping them widened to make your job easier & more enjoyable. some girls prefer if their 'lips' stay closed b/c it stimulates the clitoris. but thats all personal preference. i dont think itll make much of a difference but hey, if need be, she can tell you herself which she prefers...dont worry! it sure as hell doesnt make you any less of a man to stop & ask for directions in the bedroom.


    * locating & exploring the clit....the clitoris is located at the northern most part of the vagina & is like the 'powerhouse' of a womans sexuality. its like 'God's gift to women' . try sucking on it & GENTLY tugging at it with your teeth. hold it inbetween your teeth gently & have your mouth opened wide enough to allow your toungue to slip through & work it's magic. some guys tend to flip their toungue up & use the underside of the tip of the tougue & move it rapdly from side to side up & down & in circles. others find it easier to use the tip of their toungue & gently press it all around, like licking it but in small strokes.


    - not to gross any of you guys out, BUT, the clit acts a lot like the 'head of a penis' minus the fact that NOTHING COMES OUT OF IT. so treat it gently when needed. (like after orgasms it usually needs a minute or 2 to get back to normal size b/c it swells upon climax, so be nice to 'her' & treat 'her' accordingly lol).


    * while paying attention to her clitoris, utilize your hands as well to add to the sentuality. maybe via fingering or rubbing her breasts & legs. look up at her once in a while, its very enticing & 'educational' to see immediate reactions as youre doing what youre doing. you can learn a lot by facial expressions, eyes, the arching of her back, what shes doing with her hands etc....it may answer a lot of your questions you may have while doin the deed. if she has her eyes shut, dont think: 'oh she doesnt want to look at me' or 'she wishes it was another guy doing this' etc...its really not like that at all. think of it this way, when you eat something delicious & extremely satisfying what do you do? or after a session of great sex, what do you do? more than likely you lean back & close your eyes. its just our way of taking in all the pleasure, or keeping the light out of our eyes. hehehe feelings are heightened when one or more of our senses are not being used. so if we closed our eyes during sex, subconsciously we're allowing ourselves to enjoy it as much as we can.


    take note: lol that doesnt mean break out the nose plugs, ear muffs & sunglasses while having a sexual experience, b/c somehow i think thatll just have a negative effect on it all. hahaha


    * anyway as youre exploring your lady & orally stimulating her clitoris & you see shes getting very much into it all, try introducing a finger or 2 to her vagina. the entrance to the vagina & the clit at this point is very sensitive & welcomes attention to say the least. if fingering her entirely doesnt do much for her try just rubbing the entreance of the vagina or let your fingers enter just a little bit & go in & out just to get her nerves goin'.


    * a girl's reaction will be more than likely a lot like how you, as a male, would react. if shes holding your head dont change anything about what youre doing. if shes pressing your head into her she wants you to be a little rough & make sure you get the entire clit. if she squirms, back arches, moans, etc...then YOU ARE THE MAN! youre doing a great job.


    -concentrate bigtime on her & feel her out. you'll be surprised how you may find yourself on the same page as her & figure out exactly what shes looking for without even saying a word. it just takes time.


    * youll know shes ready to hit the "big O" when shell start breathing heavier, her clit will begin to swell, & her vagina will become tighter. its hard to tell how a person will react during orgasm, some chicks will clamp up & close their legs & wedge you inbetween lol & some want to be entirely spread eagle. but whichever she decides dont stop doin what youre doin. whatever youre doing just keep it up, some girls prefer to be stimulated faster vaginally while about to orgasm. but if your girl is extremely caught up in whatever youre doing. by all means dont stop & start a 'new idea'. that is the most FRUSTRATING PAINFUL thing to do. its like blueballs but for girls! and it pisses us off. lol


    * once youve successfully pleased your woman & gave her your all. she deserves a gentle sentual cool down. slowly & i mean slooooowwwwllly & softly lick her whole area up & down. its highyl sensitive so i cant express how gentle to be. but leaving no inch left untouched. ever so gently kiss her clitoris & (some chicks really enjoy this) kiss her all the way back up her body, eventually making your way back up to her face level & give her a very intimate, sentual, passionate kiss.


    it really can be a very sweet & sexy way to end it...or if youre lucky...just get it started.


    *NOTE TO GUYS & GALS: i found that a great way to show deep appreciation post-sexual-encounter, is to give eachother full body massages....in the nude of course. i know that as a fact that when girls climb on the back of your men & rub your entire body over theirs, dont leave an inch unscathed & let your hair down, the feminitity of your hair & body pressed against his can be orgasmic all in itself. *



  8. we all here fear for your life. dont keep us worrying. i suggest breaking it off over the phone, and dont call from your home. when you DO MAKE THE CALL, dont break down. be strong! LET HIM HAVE IT! NO IFs ANDs OR BUTs!! DONT LISTEN TO ANY OF HIS REASONINGS, PLEADS, OR EXCUSES!!! JUST SAY YOUR PIECE AND HANG UP!! DITCH THIS PSYCHO!!!




    im appauled at you "compromising"...


    head youre opening willing to accept verbal abuse from this guy. dont say we didnt warn you.


    GOODLUCK is all i have left to say....



  9. lol brando,


    who in this world doesnt burp.


    day walker,


    to be honest most of the guys i date think its hilarious b/c im small, dress nice, and dont look like the type at all to drink beer and can burp better than he can. ive never had a BF or guy i was seeing ever think it was gross. they usually give me some kind of props for it. lol and those are the kind of guys i like. 'who cares, no shame' kinda guys.


    i think its b/c i truly dont care is why they respond the way they do. if i burped and got all bent about it and felt bad about it, it would be perceived differently. and its just something i do frequently lol so if they cant handle it on the first date, then they sure as hell couldnt handle it 2 or 3 dates later.


    and another thing, about this whole 'dress to impress' mumbo jumbo...for instance, ive been dating my long lost friend recently and he pulled the chair out for me, opened doors for me..i looked at him laughed and said 'whoa buddy, whered these manners come from? lol are you gonna behave the same way a month down the line!'


    he laughed...lol only time will tell i guess.


    just be yourself. and nothing but. and dont do anything you wouldnt normally do. let them fall for the REAL YOU.



  10. Helpme,


    the reason i asked 'why the break anyway?' was because, if you 2 need your freedom, which is the only reason why i would think a break would be called for, then you both have your freedom. if by 'cheating' you mean 'breaking the rules'...and if no 'rules' were made there are none to be broken. the jealousy you feel will either 1->have to pass, or 2->if you cant seem to get over it, make this break a breakup. but i dont think #2 is uncalled for. did you talk to her about anything?


    i dont understand the point of 'breaks'. especially if youre still emotionally responsible for the other person...



  11. Well i'm workin on the confidence, on another note, do you think it's weird to come out of nowhere at someone's work like I'm planning?


    I really don't know her that good, but there's really no chance of seeing her ever again if i don't go to her work.


    i already responded to these statements.


    take my advice or dont. the choice is yours. ive said my piece.



  12. but always if i keep pretending am over it ?


    no but its a start! when people find comfort in their misery and sadness thats when they dig themselves deeper into this rut. have some self respect and demand a better life for yourself than settling for a destiny filled with waiting and anticipating something that may never come.


    "Thoughts hurt, don't think too much. Make progress instead of dwelling on the past that should have been, or shouldn't have been something it wasn't" - Spencer Vea



  13. dude, she clearly said she is going to date other guys...youre a fool if you wait around for her. you dont deserve to put your life on hold for someone who may never come back. thatll just make you look pathetic and desperate to her..and more importantly, to yourself.


    she cant have her cake and eat it too! SHE wants a breakup and SHE wants a friendship...what about what YOU want? take the first step in healing and rid her from your life. you dont need this crap! some "friend". shes using you.


    you dont need her.



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