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Posts posted by DragonGirl724

  1. I hate it..its horribly pathetic.


    tho my one guy-friends does it constantly and I yell at him and make fun of him all the time for it but he gets plenty of booty from it... lol blows my mind! but then again its NYC....


    hes a special case tho.


    The most memorable time a guy cat-called at me was when I was walking from the gym and he & his idiot buddy were hangin out of their car windows hollering some nonsense and they werent paying attention and they drove straight into a fence! that was a good time lol




  2. I found a past BF of mine online...but not off a dating service..I just started making fun of him in a random chat room. LOL


    we were together for about a year & a half. but I will never go into another chat room again. haha



  3. Its important that 2 people are on the same level while in a relationship. I have 'split up with'/kept distance from/refrain from talkin to my bf too so he can get his life back in order and do sometings he needs to get done on his own now and not having me constantly pushing him. I want us to get back together too when all is said and done, but time will tell...and thats a hard reality to accept, that thigns don't always go as planned. . I know how hard it was on your GF to do what she did, but she is doing it for the good of you & the relationship you both share. Her actions should be respected, it's a nobel thing to do to leave the one you love for the better sake of their partner. it's hard as heck to deal with and i have no doubt that she misses you like crazy and that this is painful on her. i believe she truly loves you and she is doing this with genuine sincere unselfish motives.

    "I feel like she is moving on with her life and leaving me behind."

    She is NOT abandoning you. She is silently supporting you. How do you think she'd feel if she spends the rest of her days trying to push you to get your life in order? I have done it and it's painful on the relationship and it exhausts and irritates both parties involved. Both you & her need to have control over your own life before you actively involve someone else in it.


    Goodluck and it sounds to be she is a keeper. So you both need to get a move on things in your own world. Don't let one of the good ones slip through your fingers.





  4. Fellow members:


    Oh my gosh I wrote this so long ago and it seems so harsh now!!! I can't take my own advice!


    I think I give sensible advice though and I should listen to and follow my own advice. I'm a shell of a person now and I was probably alot wiser and less emotional then.

    Advice is always harder to apply to yourself, even when it comes from yourself. You are a very caring, giving person and you thrive to help others-AND I KNOW PERSONALLY YOU HAVE! We sometimes lose connection to our own advice because life's challenges are never an easy thing when you're the one left to deal with them. We're faced with constant ups & downs and we need reassurance and sometimes that means an outsider giving their advice and point of views. Im guilty of it too. We all are. When we are not directly faced with the issue or have already overcome it we tend to forget the level severity of it. But yeah, sometimes it is a rude awakening when you read your own awesome advice and say..'what the h****..????' IVE BEEN THROUGH THIS ALREADY, why is it so hard NOW?? Or "I was smarter then" etc...its not that youre any less intelligent, it's simply a fact that when emotions are involved it could take the most common every day issue and transform it into a HUGE dilemma. But use your own advice as reassurance and get back in touch with that person who knew you so well before.


    Secretdarkness, viper, ocrob: Thank you so much for the great feedback! Secretdarkness, sometimes a sugar coated candy answer just doesn't seem to cut it. lol Glad this can be of some assistance to you, if not now, maybe next time.


    I'm sure even though I created the post topic I may very likely need to one day revisit it to just embed it back into my own brain again. lol Annnnnnd that brings us back to Kate's reply...


    Be well, and keep posting!!



  5. Honestly faith is a VERY personal thing and shouldnt be invloved in your conflicts, if someone had to ask me to chose between them and God i'd chose God over and over!!!! How could she even say that? all she can do is to respect your faithal chose and you hers. Its about imposing eachcothers beliefs here! Yes relationships can work with people having two different beliefs, its all about respect.




    you have to understand that people who don't put God first, or don't have this 'attachment/relationship' with a God, can't even begin to FATHOM putting anyone or anything in front of those within their lives, or where this guy is coming from. And the girlfriend sees this as a personal blow to the heart because she sees it as some 'spiritual or mythical being' coming before her love, her devotion, her commitment, her personal involvement with this guy.



    I think the best bet is to go on a break, sort out your head. Get you stuff together man without dragging this poor girl along for the ride. You may lose her during this time, but that's the risk you just may have to take. Its selfish to stay with her for another month, year etc while you figure out if you even want to be with her! THAT IS JUST WRONG AND SELFISH! so if you want to be selfish, FINE, but just do it on your own time and let this girl go find HERSELF now, and find someone who will want her without any doubts in their mind. (that may or may not be you down the line-you wont know until that happens) If you love her then you should gracefully give that opportunity to her. You cant have it all...



  6. this post has great potential to get ugly.


    the bottom line is: figure out what you want to do with your future..and figure it out FAST! it is not right to drag people along. if you are debating leaving this woman, just leave and spare her the misery down the line. I'm sorry, I was born a 'roman catholic' but Ive obtained my own personal 'spiritual views' on 'religion' as I grew older and I can't fathom loving anyone or anything MORE than the people in your life. I just can't comprehend it. So my opinion on this situation, along with many others who feel the same as I do, will be that if you really truly love her, you know what you're supposed to do. If youre debating between a life with her and a life not only without her but without ANY OTHER FEMALE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, then there should be no question where your heart truly resides. You probably already know the answer to your own question. Just come to terms with it SOONER rather than later. Someone's heart & future is at stake, other than just your own....



  7. This much I know lol.


    I was just hoping there would be a way to improve my auditory learning ability. It's such a big part of life I can't imagine getting by without it .


    you probably just have too much on your mind while this information is being given to you. nowadays the everyday adult has hundreds of issues to deal with and its so easy to get mentally sidetracked by something else goin on, lose focus on what you SHOULD be focusing on and not even know it! I suggest meditating everyday. yoga even.



  8. We all have ADD! dont let these medicine commercials instill these medical conditions into your brain-it's what they're supposed to do. the worst thing you can do is self-diagnose. I HATE MEDICINE COMMERCIALS!!! DAMN PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATIONS!!!! (but thats a whole 'nother topic)


    sometimes people are just poorly articulate and difficult to understand, and some people are just poor interpretters...or maybe you are just going about 'learning' in a way your body doesnt easily adjust to. I know when my boyfriend talks to me about history and timelines and how things ended up the way they are it all makes sense as he telling it to me-it makes complete sense but when i try to reiterate it to someone else my mind gets all flustered and im like 'i dunno, its really interesting..but talk to him about it' lol its frustrating but do i think its a medical condition?...NO! ugh and me with math is just a no-go im SURRRE people like you & i are perfect candidates for about a million different types of pills, but the truth of the matter is im sure youre fine and like redqueen said you probably just learn differently. write things down as people tell you, sketch out the information as a drawing, try other methods before tossing around medical conditions.


    And don't watch much TV. It'll rot your brain AND promote a pill unrot it at the same time. lol




  9. but you have to "love yourself" the way you want to be loved.... and yes never stop being so loving, but it's important to never lose your sense of self when you are loving someone... authentic love is about sharing your own self love and happiness... so yes keep loving at the top level, but do so for yourself.. we teach people how to treat us, not by "how we treat THEM" but by how we treat OURSELVES.... and therapy can teach you how to focus your deep love in a healthier way..


    maybe im missing someting but...I think the issue is that unsureself loves a lot and hurts a lot when the relationship ends...it's not that he doesn't love himself.


    its not possible to love someone so much, so sincerely and genuinely without loving yourself. it wouldnt be real. it sounds to me he loves himself just fine and he loves others just the same, and well, it hurts when you lose that other person and thats what he has a hard time dealing with which is a natural thing to feel.



  10. I'm not sure if there's something wrong with me, but every relationship I get into, I pour my heart and soul into it.


    you think thats a PROBLEM???





    Which is great if the relationship is great, but when we end up breaking up, it hurts, A LOT.


    So much in fact, my last break up turned me off dating for 5 years, starting to get back into the saddle, but i'm starting to become skeptical.


    Stop it right now okay! You are a giver. you are a lover. you put your heart out there and yes it is vunerable to be broken-but that doesnt mean dont put it out there!! are you crazy? those who love a lot will hurt a lot-it's just how it is. but it'll mae every relationsip-every experience a great one-whether you realize it at the time of break up or a year later. If you stop loving so much you will become a miserable person and you will punish furute gf's by not showing them the love you are capable of.


    A friend of mine says i shouldn't put so much hope into every relationship i'm in, but i can't seem to control myself.


    I'm glad im not your friend's GF!!!! screw this. i cant believe he/she thinks you are wrong for loving the way you do. this is unbelievable. I'd be pissed if my BF didnt give me every ounce of his love and hope for us to work. Isnt that what a relationship is about in the first place!??!

    TAKE MY ADVICE AND KEEP LOVING THE WAY YOU BORN TO LOVE!!! What kind of worth does a relationship have that you don't dedicate all your love to it? It'll only be worth half its value if you only put HALF of your love into it!


    Is this wrong? Should I seek professional help?




    or just keep on truckin until I eventually find somebody.




    I suggest disregarding all this 'seeking therapy' nonsense..you don't need it. With love comes pain sometimes, that's just how it is. You'll be okay and you will grow from each experience if you are smart about it. The heart heals.




  11. You do NOT need therapy for loving and giving as much as you do!!!!!!

    But! Do not dedicate your everything to a BF/GF, but never holdback 'loving too much'. there is a difference.


    I am the same way and having such a huge heart and being so giving of your emotions and support is a wonderful thing and quite rewarding! Sometime your bf's/gf's dont appreciate your giving nature until they are your EX bf/gf. And well it just comes with the territory. you love a lot, you hurt a lot. you are the way you are and I DONT suggest changing AT ALL! You will make someone soooo very happy one day and the right person should experience the huge amount of love you want to so badly shower them with. Dont let a bunch of the wrong ones discourage you from being such a giving Lover. The right one will shower you with the same amount of affection and itll be a wonderful time!!!


    keep your head up, and love the way you want to be loved in return!!!!!!!




  12. Protex,


    priesthood is a lot more than just saying your life is God...it takes unimaginable amounts of dedication...i suggest talking to priests about what their job fully entails before considering this any further. why do you want to become a priest anyway? there are other careers you can persue in the Roman Catholic religion that wont require a life of celibacy....maybe look into them.


    maybe just become a teacher-not a preacher. lol and you can have the best of both worlds that way. a career dedicated to God and a good woman to keep you warm at night


    I agree with Dako 100%. id be pissed too but maybe id be understanding about it in the long run. theres nothing either of you can do once you make your decision.



  13. wow! find some comfort knowing that your feelings are shared by 100's of others here at the forum. dont think you are alone and that your presense isnt important to anyone. Im sure you have friends & family who are 'yours' and you are 'theirs'. its normal to feel abandonment and insecurity after a breakup, especially a controlling one! its sometimes very difficult to bounce back. realize that no one should control your life but YOU (and your parents if you're under the age of 18 ). you will only feel this pain for as long as you let it consume you. dedicate your time to YOU and your social life, not focusing on a cheater & a control freak. I know how unselfish you must be to still scrounge up leftover love you once had for a cheater, but in all honesty, if he was unfaithful to you, he wasn't just 'YOUR' boyfriend...there are 6.6 BILLION people in this world, you will definitly find someone dedicated 100% to you soon enough-and it ALWAYS happens when you least expect it-take my word on THAT! But the pain from a breakup is never easy, but hopefully members on the forum can share some advice and help you. but I would suggest setting up time to grieve and feel sorrow (like an hour or 2 a day to start) and the rest should be spent on your own personal desires...after some time passes you won't even WANT to spend another MINUTE on a guy unworthy of your emotions...'letting go' is a lesson we all must learn in life, and it's a verrrry tough one to get through. But you WILL grow from this and your skin will become thicker and next time you won't tolerate a cheater or a control freak. learn from your past experiences baby. you'll be pleasantly surprised at the person you develop into.


    good luck and keep posting!



  14. Plus I don't think he was conscious of himself, he never is, plus my back was to him when we were doing it. I think it's 'cause my @ss is too fat!



    umm...it looks to me you may already have a self esteem issue...personally I think doggy style or 'from the back' positions feel amazing and my bf can agree, so you may be overly critical of the situation. when something feels good, example: eating a delicious piece of cake, or having an orgasm, many people tend to close their eyes for a while to allow themselves to fully take in the amazing feeling undistratced by other senses. talk it over with him and work on loving yourself.




  15. finish when we had sex in the LIGHT??? He's NEVER, EVER had a problem with finishing before. Then again, we've always done it in the DARK, where you can barely see a thing. In fact we did it last night in the DARK, and this morning he was ready to go again. But then, he couldn't finish. He said he was trying but it wouldn't come. So he said, "well let's just do this later then." What the hell? This has NEVER happened before. This is so insulting. Especially since I know there's this one girl (with a much better body, mine is okay but I could lose a few pounds) that he found very attractive not too long ago. Ruin my self-esteem, why don't you.


    So... what's the deal?


    I do not know you or your BF so my opinion will be completely unbiased...I will say this:


    the sense of touch is heightened when there is no sight. every one of your sense gets stronger when one or more of the other senses are not or can not be used.


    It may actually 'feel' better for him in the dark.


    No one here knows enough about him or you to voice their opinon to analyze why he is doing something. So just keep this in mind. explain to him you love looking at him and maybe you guys can switch it up, some nights on some nights off.



  16. well i used to suffer from not only emotional pain from PMS but excruciating physical pain that made me bedridden & miserable, wishing death upon myself for that entire God aweful week. and it got to be such a burden that i went to the Dr. for help. theres a technical term for extremely harsh menstrual cycles & people are quick to laugh at a chick who's "PMSing" meanwhile its really a painful and tragic experience every month. my Dr. put me on the pill. (GOOD OL' BCP! lol) but not in pill form (because id forget my head if it wasnt screwed on) so i put on the Ortho Evera patch once a week & take it off the week of my period. it helped me tremendously!!!! i dont suffer from PMS anymore & ive been on it for years & havent experienced ANY weight gain or any other rediculous side effect people automatically associate with BCP. i suggest talking to your doctor about hormonal balance & mention the pill to him/her, im sure theyll bring it up before you do. and it may actually get rid of your emotional distress every month. well, at least emotional stress brought onto you by your period. it has helped me more than words can describe!


    take care!



  17. hey baby girl!!! nice to see youre back on playing the field. take it slow sweetie and suggest he does the same too. enjoy the dating process it can really be a lot of fun! and hey once he gets his own pad, im sure youll be spending plenty of time with him just the 2 of you, just make sure you are ready for that.


    ciao baby!



  18. eh, i dated a guy i used to work with. it was fun for a while then when we were on bad terms i found that people were all up in our business & thats very distracting when trying to work, constantly getting asked 'what happened' bla bla bla. not to mention being around a bunch of gossip heads for hours upon hours a day, people get bored & rumors spread like the plague. i also heard a lot of stories about us even before we were hooking up. so whatever, the only good thing about it really is that you can car pool to work & have sex immediately before & after your shift.



  19. whats typical for you isnt typical for me and so on. job fields don't impress me much. i personally couldn't give a crap if i meet a doctor or a sanitation worker. its who the person is at heart. now if they volunteer outside of work, and do stuff to help their community or animal rights etc. thats impressing to me, and that also says a lot about their character.


    you could come off as a 'saint' and 'work with troubled teens', & 'flatter' girls with your 'humble profession', but you can also hate your job & not care about them once you clock out at the end of the day.


    job titles do not impress me personally. i really couldn't care less if someone tried to sell themselves off to me by saying 'i work with teens'. if that was their objective. if it just came up in small talk, id say 'oh thats nice', thats about it.



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