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I have one nipple that is pretty much a difference in size then my other nipple.And my bigger nipple kind of sags down, I don't know, its kind of hard to explain, but I never want to take off all my clothes in front of my boyfriend because of the other nipple that is bigger.And he always ask why I never wan't to and I say its just because I don't feel comfortable when all my clothes are off.What should I do should I tell him the truth why I don't want to? OR should I leave of bra on and just keep useing that excusse, OR should I not tell him and just take my bra off? Is this at least kind of conmen?Or is this rare and something wrong with me, and should I be embarssed of it? Does any one know anyone that has this?I need to know, please tell me.And I don't know why its like this I think its when I was littler and I got elbowed in the boob very hard before it was devloped and now I think when my boobs grew bigger it made it like this from the elbow hiting my boob so hard.could that have been the reason? I hope somebody can help me out with this.

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take it from this guy, i have been with a few women over the years and never have i came accross a woman that had perfectly matched breasts.


So relax, its perfectly natural, and expected, it will probably only bother your partner if it bothers you.


By the way, did you know guys go wild for breasts? you think he will be worried about one nipple a little different then the other? nah!!!

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Hi Ashley Bear !!


Thanks for sharing with us - I'd imagine it's tough for you. You have been telling him the truth so far - you don't wanna b naked cause you are not comfortable - truly you are not. Is there a problem - I'm no doctor - I wouldn't say so - but if you are really really concerned - consult your doctor and get some good closure on this - once and for all.


With regard to your b/f - he shouldn't have any problem with this at all - especially if her cares for you which I presume he does You don't need to worry. You should however consider finding out everything is actually medically ok - for your own peace of mind - then you can truly stop worrying about this !


Good luck



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Hi Ashley Bear,


This from a woman, most of us in fact have different size breasts and nipples. It's just the way we were made. I am sure they are beautiful. And more than likely....if you had your shirt off...he would be to exicted to even notice.

If there is a big concern, talk to your doctor....he will let you know your options.

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