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what does the term "move on" really mean?

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hi all, not quite sure if this thread has been done before on this fab site

shall we get a ball rolling on the term/s we all dread "moved on"

"moving on" and the classic "why dont you move on with your life"

ok, where to then. smart * * * * !!!


can we shed some white light on this awful and not very well understood part of breaking up.](*,) i may seem a tad obtuse but love is blind!


jahur of the uk!


also,come to think of it, can people "move on" after a week, after say, a year of being together?

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Hi jahur of he UK!

To me, moving on means that you are seeing yourself with someone else. You are moving on your feelings and who you want to be with.

Start moving on with NC, accepting its over and picturing yourself with someone else.

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Moving on simply means turning your attention to your own life rather than on what the ex may or may not be doing. Some people think moving on means finding a new partner so the minute they are out of one relationship they are trying desperately to find another one because they feel that is the only definition of moving on. However, moving on means accepting the end of the relationship, accepting that it will take time to get over it and heal, but while the healing process is going on you are devoting your energies to making improvements in your life...self-reflection and growth, discovering new interests, forging ahead in career goals, moving towards realizing other dreams and plans in life.

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Letting go of the dreams you shared with your ex. Realising that you still have dreams, and that your ex is no longer part of it. Accepting the situation for what it is. Realising that someday there will be a new special someone to share your life with. Finding yourself and your happiness again.

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great stuff chaps and chapessess!!, so how long does a "moved on comment" from an ex usally transpire after the split? my was a last straw move to split the relationship!


i think it's different for everyone... but i do think that you first have to get over the initial heartbreak of the relationship... the shattering, if you will, of it being over... and the shock that it no longer exists.


once you are past that phase and you find yourself hanging on for hope purposes... is probably when you can move on. however, moving on is very much of a choice... we can all stay in the pain forever if we wanted.... but there comes a time when you just have to say "no more"... i'm not going to stop living anymore because of this person... and you make the choice to end the obsession of them... you make the choice to put them in the background of your life and others in the forefront... but I think that has to follow the initial hurt. i don't think you can move on when you are grieving.. i do think the grieving stops and then you either become a victim to the jerk or you move on.

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thankyou crab (assuming your a cancerian) the ex gf wrote me an e-mail the size of the magna carta, and at the end it said ive moved on, i had been moved out a week at that point, its just interesting to see it from a vast array of love victims.


jahur of the uk! (scorpion)

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thankyou crab (assuming your a cancerian) the ex gf wrote me an e-mail the size of the magna carta, and at the end it said ive moved on, i had been moved out a week at that point, its just interesting to see it from a vast array of love victims.


jahur of the uk! (scorpion)


did you break up with her or she with you?

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i could be moving on now, i am reflecting back on the really serious bad situations and feeling relieved.

i have

another interest, and i know for sure its not going to be platonic for much longer, i have been nc for a while now, it still hurts, the ex gf tried a little contact within 3 days of me telling her on the phone that my stuff will be picked up before christmas and then didnt speak again, but she contacted by txt to ask when i will be getting my stuff out!!! i sent an e-mail outlining our conversation 3 days ago, was she testing? she did tell me she was with someone else, after 2 and a half weeks of leaving!!! as a previous poster said lying will blow up in her face. it doesnt really sound like ive moved on, so ill shut up (just realised) sorrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy jahur of the uk!!!!!!


any thoughts would be app, what im scared of if i commit my body to this new interest my ex gf is going to come 'a' knocking, so to speak.

its just my sodding luck. should i tell my ex gf i have found a new interest and stop her dead in her tracks to save her trying???

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Moving on simply means turning your attention to your own life rather than on what the ex may or may not be doing. Some people think moving on means finding a new partner so the minute they are out of one relationship they are trying desperately to find another one because they feel that is the only definition of moving on. However, moving on means accepting the end of the relationship, accepting that it will take time to get over it and heal, but while the healing process is going on you are devoting your energies to making improvements in your life...self-reflection and growth, discovering new interests, forging ahead in career goals, moving towards realizing other dreams and plans in life.


Excellent answer. Everyone out of a break up needs to read this.

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For me...there will be weeks where I feel like I have finally moved on and then I find it all coming crashing down on me all over again. I overanalyze a lot so I keep asking the sam equestions over and over trying to figure out the answers. I have finally come to accept that if I really want to move on- get back to who I was before him, that I have to know those questions might always go unanswered... that what is meant to be will be and for whatever reason he was able to "move on"-sleep with other people, way sooner than I am!

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To me moving on is a decision to no longer see the relationship as viable in it's former form. It means I have chosen to stop hoping for a reconciliation which simply won't happen. That decision causes me to focus my attention elsewhere, hopefully to something positive.

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Moving on simply means turning your attention to your own life rather than on what the ex may or may not be doing. Some people think moving on means finding a new partner so the minute they are out of one relationship they are trying desperately to find another one because they feel that is the only definition of moving on. However, moving on means accepting the end of the relationship, accepting that it will take time to get over it and heal, but while the healing process is going on you are devoting your energies to making improvements in your life...self-reflection and growth, discovering new interests, forging ahead in career goals, moving towards realizing other dreams and plans in life.


perfectly put. A+.

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