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Wiseman2 last won the day on May 4

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Community Answers

  1. Restaurants Often Underpaid Get Even 🍷 DOLCE 🍰
  2. Sorry this is happening.. 10 months is the getting to know you period and you've already had a lot of conflict and breakups. Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of logistical problems regarding location, her child's father and her family. You seem to be rushing things talking about marriage after only 10 months and trying to force fit this situation. Please step back and take your time getting the logistics worked out.
  3. Sorry this is happening. Unfortunately you two want different things. She seems to want a trustworthy exclusive relationship, but you claim you can't offer that. It's ok if she thinks about it because there's been too much wear and tear. She knows your contact info so try to step back and see if she wants to resolve things.
  4. People Rinse Out Used Detergent 🧴 HEIGHT ✈️
  5. Sorry this is happening. What does your family think of him and his attitude? Can you visit them privately and confidentiality explain what is going on and how he treats you? Are there other issues in the marriage such as finances, children, household chores? What was marriage therapy for? Does he have issues with health or bad habits such as drinking? Please stop trying to fix him. Instead go to therapy privately and confidentiality for advice information and support.
  6. Sorry this is still happening. Please understand that you're not his doctor and "caring too much" isn't a good thing when you lose yourself in a relationship. Even though you're trying to understand the ASD, it's not an excuse to be mean and nasty towards you. Perhaps it's time to reflect on why you're in an unhappy relationship rather than trying to fix and change him and trying to rearrange yourself around someone who treats you poorly.
  7. It's good you avoided her and your friends were supportive of that. There's no reason to shy away from friends because she shows up. Enjoy yourself.
  8. It's great you're going back to school. Please start looking into campus life there. See what sports, clubs groups events and other extracurricular activities they have available so you can make friends and socialize. Please also see a physician for an evaluation of your physical and mental health and get some tests done. Ask for a referral to a licensed qualified therapist for ongoing support. This could help you both with friends and family and adjusting
  9. Leave Obnoxious Opinions For Afterwards 🙄 HAVOC 🥳
  10. Sorry this is happening. Is it his place or your place? Why did you move in together? Was he like this prior to moving in together? . Please confide in trusted friends and family. Abuse usually escalates like this. Please use the support of trusted friends and family to extricate yourself before it gets worse.
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