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Community Answers

  1. Eh, not necessarily. Unfortunately, a lot of people are fine to coast along until they muster up the courage to break up with thier partner. His actions (or lack thereof) are telling you where his feelings really are. I'm sorry, girl.
  2. He isn't taking you for granted, exactly. He is losing interest. It hurts either way, but this isn't a guy who really wants this relationship anymore. The shine has already worn off and he's letting it fizzle. I'd personally bow out gracefully here and move on. It's heading that way anyway, unfortunately.
  3. I think I would keep my distance from this guy. The way that his fiancée treats you is not cool, without a doubt. But also? There is really nothing more you can do about it. You have tried, and she isn't receptive. It's causing a deep rift in your friendship, but keep in mind it is him that chooses to continue a relationship with someone who is evidently quite crappy to you. That would be enough for me to re-consider this friendship, and realize our values as friends don't really align anymore.
  4. Exactly my thoughts. This is an obvious troll post.
  5. You're not just paranoid. There are red flags all over this - and not just related to the fact that she is almost surely engaging inappropriately with other men.
  6. This man is not your boyfriend, OP. Please do not waste time on these purely-online situations, and especially with someone you have never spoken to live. They are just not real relationships, and as you can see, they are totally unfulfilling. It is time to stop communicating with this person.
  7. What I am reading here is that you are unsure if he is right for you, but you are having trouble admitting this to yourself. It is normal to have doubts and uncertainties, but it is also important to be honest with ourselves when we don't see a future with the other person.
  8. Let this be a lesson to trust your instincts.
  9. Why is the bolded even a consideration for you? He treats you like dog crap and it's only been 3 months. What exactly makes you want to stay in a bad relationship? Are you afraid to be alone?
  10. I am going to take a wild guess and assume you want us to tell you that he likes you. Your threads are all the same.
  11. Some men have big egos and are immature. If he doesn't have any concern about STIs, then whether or not you have kissed anyone else is not his business. Please do not entertain that line of questioning, and avoid men who treat you like a liar. Next.
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