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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    The Journey Through Change: Navigating Life's Unexpected Potholes

    None of us are strangers to change. We all face moments when our lives are uprooted and turned upside down — something we feel powerless to begin to comprehend. When this happen, it’s important to remember that it isn’t the end, just a different beginning.

    Many people find themselves struggling to cope with moments of anxiety and uncertainty. It can be hard to manage when all that we knew before is gone, seemingly without our consent. There may even be a sense of being lost or stuck in the moment.

    It can be tricky for someone to try and move on from this kind of experience, wondering how and if they need to adjust their life to the new circumstances thrust upon them. But if you broaden your understanding of the situation, you may find the key to getting through these difficult times.

    Growth and change often mean going against what we think is comfortable. For instance, family situations can be particularly overwhelming, so it can seem easier to remain in our ‘safe zone’ rather than stepping into an unfamiliar space. This is why it’s important to nourish your courage and break free of the fear of straying; it may just lead you to the right direction.

    The fact is, embracing change doesn’t always mean leaving our comfort zone — it can also mean returning to the familiar. For example, if you have experienced bereavement, you may feel like can never get back to the place you once held. In truth, that sense memory is more powerful than it appears and contains the potential for finding light amongst the darkness.

    By taking the time to look for the beauty in an unexpected circumstance, you may be able to eventually uncover the hidden opportunities within it. As psychologist Carl Jung once said, ‘the meeting of opposites is the beginning of a new development’. It’s an essential part of finding

    Balance and realigning your perspective. Change is not always easy but it is absolutely possible. When faced with it, distract yourself with something that brings you joy, whether it’s drawing, going for a walk, or even just popping by a friend’s house for a cup of tea. It can help to create some peace and harmony around the situation.

    Another way to ease the process is to consider how this disruption can positively effect your life. Reframing a situation to identify what it has provided you, such as a connection to a new family, can draw attention to the silver lining. This, in turn, can help to reduce inner turmoil because it means that in our worst, we know that there is something waiting for us when the challenge is finished.

    It’s crucial to remind ourselves that it’s ok to feel anxious — it simply means that there's something we're ready to learn from in order to gain valuable experience. Furthermore, ask for external support — whether it’s from a trusted friend or professional - and don’t forget that it’s alright to reach out for assistance.

    Above all else, remember to always keep your vision alive — sometimes it pays to imagine the consequences of any situation to make an informed decision. Acknowledging our situation acknowledges the fact that there may be no quick fixes, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be overcome.

    Change can be messy, and painful, and complicated, but it is a necessity of life. By looking at adversity in a different light, grasping the advantages it can bring, and being mindful of the moments that matter most, we can navigate these disruptions and use them as a platform for recovery. No matter what misgivings come our way, there is always the opportunity to break away and make the journey through change.

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