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strange email from ex, reasoning?

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We broke up 10 months ago, we've been in and off. I would always break NC but I ve been 3 weeks strong! She sent me this email and I'm not sure why.I didn't answer but was wondering your thoughts on it. "bad weather up north.Hope your family is OK in the weather I'm hearing of, if they aren't already here with you for Thanksgiving. BSIAW(be safe in all ways). Hope all is well."

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Unless my ex sends a message along the lines of wanting to talk about us, Ill never respond to pointless messages again. Damn I wish I would have come on here before! I did everything wrong. Ignore! She's trying to recreate a link because she's feeling vulnerable, things aren't so green in pastures new I imagine...*cough* karma *cough* (totally presuming she left you btw)

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I took my break up pretty hard in the beginning, but now im realizing how much better off I am without her. The last time I saw her, she told me all this crap like she still loves me, god put us together for a reason blah blah blah....what a load of crap. People just don't take responsibility for their actions nowadays. I dont respond to anything she sends me.


Good luck

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