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Relationship/Break Up Advice Needed


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Some of you may know my story but recent changes.

I'm (27m) and have been in a year relationship with a girl (22) who took a job in NY after graduation in May. I'm in Ohio with a very good job and she tried to get a job here but couldn't so moved and we got through her interning there before so we figured we could do it again. We have done this for 2 months and it has been a roller coaster ride.. no return date this time, her meeting new people, us going out at night and other worrying, the 4am texts after being out.. etc! I know we need to end it and we've tried because it's either the high's of being in love or the low's of worrying about each other. We always end up talking a lot and she came home 2 weeks ago and admitted she is miserable there but I didn't take it seriously. Now, 2 weeks later she is unsure and thinks she wants to be there (which I believe too) partially because I know she is afraid of what people will think if she leaves. I know this needs to end, we love each other but maybe not as we did before and I believe most answers will be you need to go "NC" with her! Which I now believe.. no social media, texts, convo! I just think it's harder for me because I'm in a smaller town back home and I think of NY and all the opportunities she will have there meeting new guys n knowing what can/will happen with them! I have just been trying to be the best me possible and try and keep my mind of her and being with/hooking up with other guys. I know hurting for a period of time will be better then prolonging this roller coaster until one of us really hurts the other person. Any Advice or Suggestions would be appreciated!

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Relationships are about more than feelings and involve practical things like common goals on where to live etc. And if you have no intention of moving to NY and she has no intention of moving to Ohio, then you have to accept that practicality and deal with it. she is also very young and may need to date around for a while before she gets serious with anybody, whereas you are a bit older and might think of settling down in a few years.


There is no easy way to break up, and if the relationship is logistically impractical because of the difference in your goals, then you just need to make the decision that neither of you is wiling to move for the other and hence then relationship is already over. It's like a patient on life support, and eventually you need to pull the plug and do your grieving and healing so you can find someone else local who has the same goals as you do. These things can drag on painfully forever if you let them until eventually one of you meets someone else and then you get the call that it is over. So rather than letting it get to that point, you just have to be strong and cut contact. If she wants to be in NY more than she wants you, that is your sign that she doesn't love you enough to make this work and you don't love her enough to move to NY, so it is over.

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