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Have you ever had a job interview that went really well

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and then you didn't get the job? I just had a job interview that I felt went really well, but I'm afraid my hopes are too high and are going to get crushed! It's for a business I know really well, but it's a manager position, and I have absolutely no experience managing people.


One thing was that he did a looot of talking. I felt like I couldn't even finish my answers sometimes >: \ The interview wasn't rushed or anything. It was forty-five minutes long. I don't know whether to take that as he made up his mind or didn't care what I had to say This was the second interview. We had a phone interview first, but I had felt like that didn't go too well, and I was really happy when he emailed me for a second. There was another part where he asked if I had experience with a certain software, and I had to say I didn't, and he quickly reassured me that it wasn't a huge deal and it was very easy to learn, so that was kind of encouraging.


I know all I can do is wait for their call, but it's raining outside so I'm stuck indoors thinking about it! I really, really want this job So feel free to tell me stories where an interview went super well and you ended up not getting the job. Or where they went similar to mine and you DID end up getting the job!

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Because we shook hands at the end, and he seemed overly impressed with my confidence, my people skills, and my references.


At the end, though, he hired someone else. Unfortunately, that's the way life goes.


I got a different job a few months later on, though, so it wasn't a total loss. Best Buy just wasn't for me.

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I actually had an interview in the past that (I thought) went really well, and in the end I didn't get it.


I went on two separate interviews, the first lasting an hour and a half, the second 45 minutes. Apparently they told me that they wanted to extend an offer to me, and to wait for their email with the package of all the paperwork. Days goes by nothing, a week later I call him again and he tells me he's been busy, but he'll get it out to me the following day. Nothing. He sends me an email 3 weeks later to apologize for the delay, apparently there were issues, but he'll be sure to get me the package. Did I receive anything? Nope.


I thought it was really irresponsible of them, and I thought to myself, if this way the way they worked, I wouldn't want to work for them anyways. Everything happens for a reason. It was probably for the best.

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Yeah, that doesn't seem like a good place to work at! Either they were super irresponsible or too cowardly to tell you that you didn't get it.


Should I call or e-mail them to thank them or ask about the status of the job? This is kind of my first ~important~ job. My last in-person interview was for food service, and I got hired on the spot, haha.

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The thank you e-mail or note should go out no later than 48 hours after the interview and should really go out the next day. For checking on your status, if the employer gave you a timeline, wait that out. If the date passes from when you expect to hear, e-mail or call to ask again, and reiterate your interest in the job. (And always always take the initiative to ask for a timeline to a decision.)


As for good interview experiences...my best interview was a number of weeks ago and we got as far as discussing salary, relocation, and possible dates to start. They asked for references, so I sent them, and they said I would hear within two weeks. Well...after two weeks, my references had still not been contacted, and I got no response to my follow-ups. Nothing is guaranteed, no matter how well it goes, until you have an offer on company letterhead. Everything else is fluff!

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Well, it's the next day! So as I said, the position I interviewed for was a manager position, but I am actually interested in the lower positions as well (the people I would be managing if I got the job). Should I say something about this in the thank you? Or wait until he contacts me as to whether I got the job and bring it up if I didn't get it.

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This is very interesting. I was in an interview for front desk position at a hotel like 3 months ago and I thought I did very well and then never got the job. It was a smaller hotel. He asked me questions like school and when I was able to start. (not much of an interview really) Then at the end he basically just said "well we have an ad in the newspaper so I will let you know in 3 weeks." I was just like oh..ok? I dont know if I ruined it by when I could start (i said at least a 2 week notice because of my current job). My latest interview for the same position at a much bigger and more upscale hotel in the downtown area. When I applied I was not expecting to get it. I received a call back like an hour later and went in for an interview the same day. I thought I did horrible in the interview..and I was so nervous! Like i answered the questions as best as I could but I thought I did bad. She said to me, "I will let you know when I talk to the main manager." So i assumed I didnt get it and the next morning I got a call and was offered the job. I kind of looked at the whole process that god wanted me at a bigger hotel and not a smaller hotel.

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That's awesome! Well I've still been applying around, so maybe if i don't get this one, something better will come along


The interview for the place I work now, the owner basically just asked if I had any experience in the food industry, and I had to just flat out tell him I did not, but at the end he just said, "Well, you seem like a nice girl who needs work so I'll give you some." I plan on baking him something to thank him for giving me a chance!

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  • 7 months later...

I had an interview with a great company, room for advancement, nice benefits package, on-site starbucks, the whole nine. The first interview went great, met with the hiring manager she was so pleasant and professional. They offered me the second interview before I left the office. I sent thank you e-mails separately and received a thank you back for the hiring manager. At the second interview I sensed that something was wrong they seemed standoffish. Anyway I met the other 2 that worked in the office (HR), they were great they offered help if I was hired they told me it was a great company to work for but I still knew that something was up.

After the interview I asked what was the next step and the employent specialist was so cold in her answer. "We contact your references that's the next step", but the way she said it was mean. After the interview I sat in my car for a good ten minutes before pulling off because I knew I didn't get the job and I really wanted it.

I sent my thank you for the second interview, nothing, so I just let it go 2 weeks later I get a "we went with another candidate." I think that that person interviewed after my first interview and they knew they was going with that person but still went through the motions of conducting a second interview. It happens, some people hear back some don't. Don't give up in the meantime keep looking.

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Lol, I had an interview at Pet Value and for some reason the manager's face was red the whole time and he couldn't stop laughing and being giggly. It kind of creeped me out. Either way, he promised a position and I got another interview and kept phoning me (again creepy). Shouldn't they only phone you once? It's either your hired or you aren't!


Then at the end, a lady phoned me and told me he gave me the wrong position..or something and I said it was fine. Then I never got a call back.

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Oh, I have TONS of examples of my university students going out interviewing for co-op/internship jobs, coming back and telling me it went GREAT (and we send along thank you notes after, etc) and then not getting the job. Part of MY job is then to do the follow up and get feedback from the employer and relay it back to my students (so I can find out if there are any weaknesses in my student's interview skills and then I work with the student to try to improve it. Part of their learning process).

Often, the employer tells me the student did everything right, interviewed well, they liked them, they thought could totally do the job..BUT, they found a candidate who was just a slightly better fit (often meaning that they found someone with a bit more related work experience that was related to the position, pr perhaps answered ONE questions a bit better..something that just edged them ahead). BUT for the employer, if their first choice candidate were to refuse the job offer, the employer would happily offer the job to my student. They rank suitable candidates...the ones they would hire, in order of preference...then they have those that they would NOT hire at all.


Years ago, I was doing a job interview myself (for an internal job in my department at the time) and the job interview went exceptionally well, I thought. I didn't get the job...my competent coworker did..so fine.

Turns out later, someone on the interview panel confessed to me in private, that I actually DID come out as the number 1 candidate..but they gave it to the other person as she had TWO months seniority on me and they felt she'd be upset if I got it over her. wth? Another time, different department, yet going up against someone in that department, I did very well in front of a panel of 8 people....didn't get the job...a few people on the interview panel confessed to me after, they felt the interview was already biased to the other person going in to it..they told me I so got much much harder questions than she did (I did get GRILLED by certain people on the panel...I walked out of there not feeling like the questions were fair at ALL) So again, wth? The reason being (apparently) is that I still had my current job..she had actually been laid off hers (cause she SUCKED at it)...so she needed the job more than me, so the interview was set up so that it would be brutal for me. (Shortly after, I ended up getting her old job that she got laid off of and have been in it every since! WIth higher pay. So there you go!)

So you NEVER know what goes on once you leave that interview room. Sometimes politics gets in the way!!

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