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dramallama's relationship/breaking up/no contact advice threads


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ENA threads~


Guide to No Contact. If you want to get your ex back or heal and move on, then No Contact is for you. Don't hang around like a bad smell after your break-up. Take back control and go No Contact TODAY. It's your best chance of getting your ex to come to their senses to show them what they're missing, or at the very least you will be taking your first step to moving on. This guide will also work for those who can't get past their feelings for friends, when they only want to be "just friends" and will never feel the same way.


Guide to Non-Chalance. Non-chalance is confidence, and that is one of the most attractive traits a person can have, especially towards the dumper. Instead of grovelling and begging them to come back, how much more attractive would it be to play it cool? It will drive your ex crazy! I think that Non-Chalance has more of a benefit to males than females, but if a female is the dumpee, you can use it to your advantage too, along with No Contact.


Non-Chalance for Males by Real Deal. Real Deal is just one of those members who "gets it". He gives straight-up advice for men who are in a rough spot (a dumpee, unrequited love etc). This post is about Non-Chalance and is suitable for males who are dating, or those who are about to be dumped, or have been dumped already. Read it 10x over till you understand what it means to be non-chalant and a male, and your role in the relationship. (post #36)


Post here instead of contacting your ex! As the title says, if you've resolved to go NC, in your weak moments post in this thread instead of contactingTHEM.


I was the dumper and he ALMOST got me back. Here is where you mess up. A great account of how a male dumpee almost won back his ex (the dumper and author of the following post):


Why Nc is Often Needed...whether to move on or reconcile... The title says it all.


No Contact worked!!!! How a male dumpee came crawling back to his dumpee ex-girlfriend.


success Dumpee re-unites with ex when the dumper broke No Contact - how it should be done.


External links~


JSBachery - This guy writes about love and courtship in the Asian world, specifically Asian-Americans, but he has such a good grasp of the dating dance that anyone should read his articles. They are short and easy to understand. His concepts are taken from the Pick-up Artist community (PUA) but he has a lot of commonsense and isn't as extreme as some PUA gurus out there. His articles are mostly for men, but he does focus on advice for women sometimes too. His best articles are his earlier ones, IMO, so go way back in his blog to his very first posts for the greatest advice.


Guide to dating for women - From JSBach, the same guy as above, with tips for young women and their role in dating.


Guide to dating for men - As above, but for males. He also links to his other guides, but I can't say I've read them.



There are so many great threads/posts here at enotalone and elsewhere, I will keep adding to this list when I find a thread that is worthy. If you take from it some advice and it helps you go in the right direction, that's great. Good luck out there.


- dramallama

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Would like to suggest this thread on another board to help those seriously considering contacting their EXs.

Do you really think contacting your ex is going to help you? Guide for the long walk

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In Jan., I was about to pick up the phone and call my EX's best friend...

I found her friend's number online... it would have been so easy... but I'm sure I would have sounded so weak...

Thankfully, decided to do a quick web search on contacting your former GF/ NEAR-fiance...

Plus, some nice posters here like Janeiac convinced me not to dwell on this woman from the past...


The guy in that post got dumped and had a hard time coping, so he knows the pain as well. He made all the mistakes many of us make.

It's a big long thread but bookmark it and read through posts by the other heartbroken men and women and their longing to do what we all want to do ---- and more importantly, what they did to calm their feelings image removed.

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