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Pleasuring a man with phimosis?


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I'm sorry if this subject has come up before. I looked around on the forum but the search function doesn't give me any results.


First a little background :

A potential sex partner has admitted to me that he's had phimosis all his life. I suspect it must have been very scary for him to admit that because he must have thought I'd turn my back and go running.

It had the opposite effect...because he was so honest in admitting that (never easy for a man), I want him even more now.


So I spent the last few days researching everything about phimosis.

I didn't come here looking for information about treatment or circumcision.


What I want to know is : how can I make it the most pleasurable for him when we do engage in intercourse?


We're both no longer virgins (I'm 28, he's older), but I don't have experience with phimosis. He says he can retract his foreskin when flaccid but not when he's having an erection.


So, any tips on what I can do during a blowjob to make it more pleasurable for him? Obviously, not being able to expose the glans of his penis might need a different approach for me.

Any men here who have phimosis who can tell me how a blowjob feels to them? Or women whose men have it who can tell me what they do?


We've also agreed to use a condom (for me there can't be sex without them), so are there any positions or techniques that will pleasure him the most even while wearing the rubber?


I hope someone has some advice!

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O.K. I'd heard somewhere that it can be quite painful. If it isn't bugging him, then more power to him.


He has had vaginal sex before and I haven't heard him complain about pain. So I think it'll be okay. I told him he has to tell me what I can, and cannot do because the last thing I want to do is to make sex painful for him.

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You haven't met him in person yet, and you're already talking about sex? What happens if you find out that you're not a good match?


She said they've been talking for a year now, so I think it's normal. If she meets him and decides they aren't a good match, then she doesn't have to have sex with him.

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You haven't met him in person yet, and you're already talking about sex? What happens if you find out that you're not a good match?


I hardly think I'm the only one in the situation of being attracted to someone without having met them yet.

If I find out we're not a good match I'll deal with that when the time comes.


However that was not why I came here. I wanted to find some advice about what to do when we are compatible.

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She said they've been talking for a year now, so I think it's normal. If she meets him and decides they aren't a good match, then she doesn't have to have sex with him.



Exactly, thank you, and he's well aware of this. In fact, it was him who suggested that before we do anything, we'll talk about it again to make sure that we're both on the same page.

Of course you guys don't know the whole back story to this, but I'm pretty sure he's not going to force me into anything...

But anyway...back to my main question...

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ok..i have to ask what is phimosis exactly?


It means that the foreskin is tight and can't be fully retracted from the head of the penis. If you google it or look at the wiki page you can read more about it.

I didn't know about the existence of such a condition either until he told me. But it seems that it isn't all that uncommon.

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ok..i have to ask what is phimosis exactly?


I had to google it too. There is a picture and an explanation of it on Wikipedia. It is when the foreskin won't retract. Not sure, but it doesn't look like it would be very comfortable. Thanks mom and dad for having me circumcised, so I don't have to worry about stuff like this. Besides which, I hear that most women won't touch something unless it is at least 10% off (Just kidding)

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My best friend once dated a guy with phimosis. She said it was a little strange at first, but not hard to get use to. He told her he was just use to stimulation with the foreskin covering his head so everything felt good. That whenever he could retract his foreskin which was when he was flaccid like your guy, his head was really sensitive and hurt when touched. She did mention that the foreskin restricted him to get to his maximum erection size so it actually curved to the side and was smaller. Just be careful when you do initiate foreplay, you can accidentally apply to much force and move the skin back which will cause a ton of pain. Hope this is a little helpful.

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My best friend once dated a guy with phimosis. She said it was a little strange at first, but not hard to get use to. He told her he was just use to stimulation with the foreskin covering his head so everything felt good. That whenever he could retract his foreskin which was when he was flaccid like your guy, his head was really sensitive and hurt when touched. She did mention that the foreskin restricted him to get to his maximum erection size so it actually curved to the side and was smaller. Just be careful when you do initiate foreplay, you can accidentally apply to much force and move the skin back which will cause a ton of pain. Hope this is a little helpful.


Thank you, that is helpful indeed.

I think the best thing is indeed to ask him like has been suggested, but I just like to come (no pun intended a little prepared so any info I can get is welcome.

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  • 2 years later...

My boyfriend has phimosis and we have sex regularly. First we always make sure Im wet (like a lot) and if Im not we use lube. This is because if its too dry you'll pull the foreskin back and hurt it. Also, when your giving him a blow job its different than non-phimosis men in the sense that you cant be pulling the foreskin back when you go down on him. Try focusing on the head and sort of massaging it while its still in the foreskin. Their head it a lot more sensitive because its always covered. Also its different when giving him a hand job too because you cant just go yanking down on it, a lot more gentleness and precision is required. Just try talking at first when your doing it to make sure your doing it right and both of you are enjoying it. Also, don't get discourages. Another problem is men with phimosis don't get as hard so its a bit harder to "get it in" sometimes. Just play around with him until he's hard enough again. Also if he does stretching exercises it will be better. Just have him work on pulling the foreskin down a little more every time he masturbates or just when hes messing around. It takes a while but last year my boyfriend could not pull down his foreskin at all when it was hard and now he can pull his foreskin all the way down past his head while hard without pain and that makes sex and everything a lot easier and more fun! A good note, sex feels better for him because his head is so sensitive. Hope this helps good luck!!

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My ex had the same thing. What I learned from the research is that men with phimosis enjoy the same sexual pleasure as any other man. The problem is, they require a greater amount of pressure or stimulation to the sensitive part of the penis (the crease of the little ''v" underneath the head of the penis).


Some things that seemed to work:


- Keep your thumb wet and gently push, rubbing in circles around this sensitive area. You can do this during a handjob or a blowjob

- Keep your tongue stiff and put pressure on the area during blowjob. It is important to pay a lot of attention to the head, in general, so I'd suggest looking up additional blowjob tips online in order to perfect your tongue-motioning skills

- I found that the best position for intercorse was missionary, with absolutely no elevation under your bum. A lot of women prop their bottom up on a pillow in order to accommodate a larger-size partner, and to increase stimulation of the g-spot. But by keeping your bottom down a little, there will be more pressure (tightness) on his penis.


The sensitive spots are still there, they're just covered with his foreskin. You've got nothing to fear! And cheers to you for being this determined to be a great lover to him

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I feel that problem is not limited to foreskin which is tight and can't be fully retracted from the head of the penis.

Your boyfriend cannot enjoy the sex much if his most sensitive part of penis is not exposed enough. If his foreskin can’t be fully retracted from the head of the penis than the most sensitive part of penis (just below head and near the joint of shaft and head) remains covered with the foreskin and he will not able to get friction on it and this is where he will be losing real pleasure.

If this part of penis remains covered by foreskin for long time than it becomes very very sensitive and sometime gentle touch also cause pain.

One of my friend was having this problem, when I enquired about it from him – he says he never tried to pull his foreskin back since his childhood ( I do not know way – I have been pulling my foreskin back from penis head even before the age of 5 because it was giving the great pleasure).

I recommend either get him circumcised or try to pull the foreskin from the head of penis slowly. Do not forget to apply some lube. I feel it may not be possible pulling whole foreskin back in one go and if you try it, it becomes like very tight rubber band below the head of penis. We need to increase the size of opening of foreskin and long enough to slide back to head of penis. all the best.

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  • 2 months later...


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