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no contact having a bad day missing my ex girlfriend

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Even though I split up and cut all contact 5 weeks ago because I could not handle her talking to someone else she met on a website we tried for months to be friends only sleeping together not something I recommend ever!!!! I always caught her talking to many women even when we were together although she said she never cheated just I caught her talking to girls she briefly dated and others women. When I said I never wanted her back in the summer after one of our many arguments she went on dating website straight away. I don't how one can date and message other women so quickly. I still can't do that and I am the one who broke it off.

I don't why I am suddenly remembering the good times. Her kids were nice enough, they are older she had them young but was never in relationships with men. I hated her talking to so many different women even though she said they were just friends but it was not fair on m.e I worked away and done her house up and she did do stuff for me too. We had a dog together and I guess she tried to keep in touch for the dog.


The last straw was on Facebook a guy who constantly commented on her pics last summer 2011 and she met him years AGO but was just friends with him we argued so much she finally told him she was gay and took him off Facebook back in the summer 2011.


A few weeks ago I went on her picture and he commented she added this idiot perv back, his Facebook is filthy maybe I over reacted but her lies and she made me take a woman off my Facebook just because she would comment on my stuff. And I am pregnant with a sperm donor he is my Facebook she made such a big deal out of that but she tried to look for her baby daddies that she DID SLEEP with on Facebook yet had a go at me about my sperm donor and added this perv guy back?? writing all this down I don't even know why I am missing her??


She did love me and tried to make it work in her way. She never cheated and said I was her proper intimate partner. I believe her because her past relationships seem a disaster. We were together 2.5 years maybe last year really badly just cannot leave each other but cannot be together. We were attracted to each other and I miss our good moments and our tender moments in bed and stuff.


I need help advice on how to move on? I am so happy to be having my precious baby but thought she would be there but is not. I did do it alone so she questions if I did inseminate. I did not sleep with the donor, he just donated and we don't talk on Facebook ever or email. I miss her and think back to the thunder moment we met 3 years ago 1 week before Christmas. She is blocked from my facebook but I checked on her new girls page and I can see she sent her stuff and they like each others pic. I know I should not but how can she move on so quickly? She always done this even in her past brief relationships.


I am so sick at the moment, off work, heavily pregnant, and today is just a bad day for thinking of the ex.

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Time....only time will help. I also think that having this precious little baby of yours will keep your mind occupied too. My gf and I broke up 2 1/2 months ago and I still miss her but I'm definitely not hurting as much as I did in the first 6 weeks. After her and I broke up she started a relationship with a work colleague within 2 weeks (I'd been ragging on her to get this other chick under control because this woman kept throwing herself at my gf but this other woman obviously won that battle). Funnily one of the reasons my ex liked this woman is because she had a toddler daughter (through AI) and my ex was desperate to become a mother - she even told me a couple days after we split that she wanted to have a baby next year (this other woman would have to carry the baby as my ex is 43 and doesn't think she can carry one herself due to a number of reasons). My ex is one of those types that has jumped from relationship to relationship and she told me herself that you just get used to it. Firstly, I can't believe that I didn't see the warning signs earlier and, secondly, I believe that a woman or man that serially jumps from relationship to relationship will never ever know true love in their lives. I know that my exes relationship with her new paramour won't last - it might last 3 or 4 years but it won't be long-lasting because she is fickle and doesn't have what it takes to work through issues. In saying that she has a lot of good qualities about her too otherwise I'd never have fallen for her in the first place.


Anyway getting back to you I guess your ex is just like mine. Someone who can't be by themselves...someone who needs to be in a relationship to be happy. Isn't that sad? I'm different. I can take or leave relationships. I know that I'm responsible for my own happiness and that if I truly want to be satisfied in life then its my responsibility to make that happen. I would never enter a relationship if I had issues going on with me that needed fixing. How many times have we read on this forum how people break up with their exes using the line "I have stuff going on that is stressing me out so I need to break up to sort them out". I believe in commitment and I believe in loyalty and true love. I don't like people whom seem to think its ok to mess with their partners emotions. I actually care about people. Unfortunately some people don't feel that way. People become dispensable to them. Thank your lucky stars that you're no longer with someone who would value you so little that you become replaceable so quickly. I'm not out of the woods yet but I'm getting stronger day by day. You will get there too - it might not feel that way at the moment but you will definitely move on one day...and with a precious baby to boot. Congrats!

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