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Divorce is final as of 5-7-2007


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lol. now what?


well. I would say you should maybe do something to "commemmerate" this occasion. is there something you have been wanting to do? a weekend trip or something? Maybe even just get dinner with a friend, order the most expensive bottle of wine on the list, and just have a mini-"it's over" party, if that makes sense.


i mean, people commemmerate birthdays, weddings, I don't see why divorces should be different. can help you get closure, maybe?

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OK, no mini parties.. But as to the question, "What do I do?" The same thing you did yesterday, and the day before... but not the day you got married lol..


Hope it's a kickin' party! Don't do anyone you'll regret in the morning ](*,)

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So, now what do I do?


Live, but not necessarily in this order. Learn to listen better. Become better at your job. Call your Mom & Dad daily. Work out, not to look better, but to feel better. Eat the best foods available for your body. Laugh at yourself. Laugh out aloud when something is funny. If you have a gf, tell her you love her, but only if you do. Don't lie, don't cheat. Take your sister to a movie, let her bf know you are there to protect her. Hang out with your friends. Wish your exwife the best in the future. And mean it. Go to Church, a Church where you can learn something. Set short and long range goals. Enjoy your time on this planet and cause no intentional harm to on one. In the event you do, apologize.



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