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I am so lonely. I miss my ex b/f who was also my biggest crush ever, i truly loved him. I kno everyone wil say....u can tfind love until ur happy with urself. Well i want a bf so bad, i want someone to hold and someone i can cry to. My friends are friends, i want someome who i can love. I dont kno where to look for it, do i go to the mall, the store, what? I dont want ne one from skool cuz they are all immature and i dont like most of them. The ones i do like are taken, or dont kno im alive. My new crush lives two and a half hours away and he likes some other grl and always talks about her to me. She lives very far away tho so i could have a chance, but i dont want a weekend relationship thing. IM a junior in high school and i have never had a boyfriend.


U cant possibly understnad what its liek to be lonely day after day. I really need someone. Im not a big partier, but lately i wanna drink so much to just forget. I smoked weed once and i want to do that again to. I think its all because im just feeling lonely.


I would real;ly ask everyone not to tell me its ok to be single, or that i have to wait for that special one. i want smeone now. Like in the very near future. please help me in any way u can. PLEASE.

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Four words for you "Let love find you"


If you go searching for love your going to find heartache, and trouble.


But if you let love find you it will survive.


Your young, you have your whole life ahead of you to find true love. Focus on your studies.


And no matter what alcohol and smoking or drugs won't solve your problems or help you hide from them. Because your problems will still be there when you sober or come off the high.



Be patient , when its your time it will happen.



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Hi Colls !


Firstly, it is OK to be single !! I'm single, and I am enjoying it to the Max! In saying that, I would love a girlfriend right now - but I'm not too pushed about it. I was, a few months ago, and that hurt me bad - I was hunting like mad, and was clinging to the concept of love again.


What I mean is that your full on need for love is pre-occupying your mind far too much - with all this emotion, how can you really find a good partner? The logistics of the relationship with the new crush are awkward, but as you said - you don't want a weekend relationship and that is probably what it will be. What else do you not want in a relationship anyway? You should be thinking about what you want in a relationship instead of trying to find any possible one you can to get into just to find "love" again.


The answer is not in a bottle or a joint, but they can help get the attention off the situation which is what you really are looking for. If you could live without this feeling and emotion right now, would you? If you could be totally content with or without a boyfriend right now, could you live with both? You could, and thats why I want you to question honestly to yourself why you want this so bad??


Hope this helps you some,

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Thanks........but the reason i want love is b/c i think guys are awesome. I mean grls are so worried about their appearances all the time to have fun. Guys are so loose and make me feel so good. I kno i could just have abunch of guy friends, but i end up fallin for all of them. If a guy is nice to me i tend to fall for them. I jsut want a bf to have some place to go after school and just chill and tell how my day was. Just someome to sit and talk with about ne thing at all. i want to feel comfortable. It would make me happy, nothin else at thios point right now will. I have self confidence issues and i think no guy will want me. But everyone says thats not true. But i keep thinkin i will never get ne one. ne more advice?

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Girl you need to love yourself first, your deisre to get into a relationship is purely to feel better about yourself. In order for a relationship to last it require both parties involved to have good self esteem to get through any problems that may arise.


Your young, you need to worry about school, not boys.


I was young once too, and desired to have a boyfriend in highschool. But I am glad I didn't because it would of interfered with my studies.


You need to focus in your life right now and when its your time it will happen for you.



Please just be careful, guys prey on the needy girls the ones that have problems with self esteem.


And searching for an older guy will get you hurt because they are on a different wave length then you.






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It's hard looking around and seeing your friends and people doing things as couples and feeling left out because you feel there is no boyfriend or girlfriend to do things with after school or on the weekends. I think though that if you would take the time to look into peoples eyes you would see a very common thing among them. The truth is that everyone feels the pains of loneliness from time to time, and not all of these relationships you see are happy relationships. Everyone needs to feel loved you know, and there is really nothing you can do to buy love it's just something that is given. My advice to you is to start a mission to be a joy to other people and to learn to love others. You will find that people will want to be around you more because they will see that you will have a special gift that no one else seems to have... And most importantly be yourself, love yourself, and try to do everything to the best of your ability....


I like to call it the "3 nails + 1 cross = 4 given" formula

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Hey ya thanks again for ur post, but my desire for a relationship is not to feel better about myself. I just want to give everything i can to someone and make them feel good to. The last guy i really liked and we were very close i would have done ne thing for HIM no matter what it did to me. I care more abotu others than myself wen it comes to friends, and the same for relationships. So ya juwt to clear it up thast i dont want a relationshiop to make myself feel better.

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I totally understand what you're feeling right now. I'm also looking for a relationship right now, and have been frustrated because a good nine out of ten girls I talk to are boring and immature, and the remainder are already involved... grr!


I also understand why it's so important for you to find love. Part of me retches at the mention of that word, particularly where teenage relationships are concerned, but at the same time I wish I could have a young woman by my side to confide in and share myself with. It feels like there's a void in my life sometimes, and I know what it is like to desperately want that void filled, but have to spend your nights alone with your thoughts regardless.


Now, a Nancy Reagan moment: Drugs are for idiots! Seriously - if you're feeling lonely and want an interesting, sensitive person to be with, do you really think you'll find them amongst a pack of druggies? Or at an alcohol-soaked party full of stumbling drunkards? No. Nothing will come of that besides further disillusionment. Surrounding yourself with idiots will make you feel even more alone.


I would admonish you to wait for your love to come. I personally can't wait to go to college, where I think I'll have much more success relationship-wise. But that doesn't stop me from trying to meet as many girls as I can while I'm still in high school. It's rough sometimes, but you've just got to overcome whatever shyness you've got and talk to the people you want affection from.


That's about all I can say, so good luck and godspeed!

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ok im young but still feel i have knowledge on this subject.i know exactly what its like to feel lonely,it THE WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD.-theres no getting away from that. but trust me,life works in strange ways and what i have learnt in my short existence is that when you want something so bad that you are willing to get it in any way possible,IT DOES NOT HAPPEN. it just doesnt,and the minute you stop wanting someone so badly in your life,someone will come along,i promise you.-life is meant to throw you up in the air and challenge you,so the minute you have a thousand and one more things to think about,love will be knocking at your door like a shot,just to test you. at the moment i would probably say that you have all the time in the world for love,but try and fill that time with other things you enjoy,and when your time is filled up and you feel like you couldnt possibly cram one more thing in,you'll meet someone that will turn your world upside down and you will MAKE time.

You may feel that when you are walking down the street that everyone you see is a happy couple holding hands,joking you know lovey dovey.-but that does not mean that they are necessairly HAPPY.-and it doesnt mean that you will be any happier either,its just that you feel thath love is the one thing that is missing from your life and so it must be what you need to be happy and fulfilled.WRONG.-trust me ive thought and stewed over this for more hours,days,weeks,months than i care to remember and cryed even more tears.

Just remember,sometimes relationships aren't all their cracked up to be and sometimes they can cause you more pain than if you were single.

I wish you luck,please dont let this get in the way of you enjoying your life,i made that mistake and its not WORTH IT.

You see if im wrong...


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wow buffalosoldier that was really inspiring!


i'm feeling the same kinda thing i really miss having someone to share my thoughts and feelings to, it feels really empty even though i know my friends are behind me all the way...


i know its not even my post but thanks for saying that! its great.

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