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Closing my Eyes:poem


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When i close my eyes

I see your smiling face

I see the twinkle in your eyes

I see the wildness of the chase


My heart flutters

darn near stops

When you touch me

Nobody tops!


You hold me close

at the darkest of the night

I know we'd end up laughing

after we fuss and fight


Usually im such a b***h

that controls every move

But I only want to make you happy

I only want to soothe


I know you been through alot

Girls acting shady

Don't worry about that

Cuz i only want to be your lady


I wanna know whats in your head

Do you feel the same like me?

Do you want 'us' to last

or do you not want us to be?


Please dont crush me

or break my world in two

Keep my heart together

tell me what you want me to do!


I dont know why youve done this to me

I dont fall for people this fast

Nothing seems real anymore

Unhappiness is all in the past


We've both had heartbreak

and scars deep inside our heart

but before you they were gaping wounds

all healed with cupids dart


If it was all over now

if this was the end

id finally know ive trully loved

and with you my love id send!

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