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I can't believe I'm asking this here...Ladies?

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Ladies...I have a gyno appointment tomorrow because I feel that I have some kind of infection going on (I've had BV and yeast infections for a while now) but I'm still not all the way done with my period. I'm still spotting a little. I was wondering if a little blood might throw off the tests. I really need to get in as soon as possible so I can get this infection taken care of before my colposcopy on the 18th. So, will I get an accurate reading tomorrow if I'm still spotting a little or should I just bite the bullet and reschedule?

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no, jsut tell them that you are at the end of your cycle, it shouldnt make a difference... they are used to that kind of thing

Horribly embarrasing tho, isnt it?




(only vaugly on topic story: I got really sick with an ear infection and my folks were away so my -extremely shy- brother took me to the hospital... I had a urine test and the doctors came running in saying there was blood in my urine... I had to explain that I wa having my period at the time, while my poor brothers face got redder and redder!)

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Although it's embarrassing for you they will understand how you feel when you tell them.


You're definitely not the first person they've had to deal with who's got a minor problem and I can guarantee you won't be the last.

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Well, I'm not worried about what they'll think. I won't be embarrassed at all. My concern is whether or not the blood will keep the tests/swabs from reading accurately. I'm going in to be checked for yeast and/or bacterial infection and I'm afraid the blood will throw off the reading.

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You could phone up and explain the situation and ask them for advice before you go. I've done that before and they've still asked me to attend.


I know what you're going through because I get yeast infections on a regular basis too.


Let me know how the tests go.

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