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Forbidden Feelings


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I'm not going to pretend I don't love you

Because the days I see you I do

And they lead me to my greatest memories

Even though we hardly see each other

Or even do you truly speak to me,

A connection in my soul is firing

Up and my heart feels the slightest tug

Just from the very observation of what cannot be true

And that simply is

That because of where we are

I can never be with you.

I can never be with you.

But I'll still love you from afar.


It means a lot to me when you smile and look in my eyes

When you give me another chance to complete what I need with time

A good teacher, a smart aleck man- intelligent and sexy

You're someone who seems to understand


No I can't have him anyway

I'm just a pupil who will fade away

And though precious moments exist in the past

There's nothing I can do to make anything last

But instead let these feelings mend

I let them go

I let them go

I see you and they fill me up again.

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That's because they're true.


I've started to see a pattern with me. When I lack self expression through poetry, I can't move on from things. That poem was my little goobye.


Today that teacher took me to a room to make up a test in. It was a room with a desk for just one person. I stood there, looking down at my test on the desk and he stood in the doorway. Then he said, "I hope you do well on this test" or something to that effect. I looked up and nodded, in a joking/playful tone, I replied,


"Thanks. I appreciate that." And I laughed.


...Then he left and I was sad. LOL Also that test was tough!

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I already have found a nice guy. I actually have a boyfriend. I'm not THAT interested in my teacher- just slightly infactuated and I admire the qualities he has as a man. I look up to him and learn from him more than academics because he really cares about knowledge of the world, the world itself (he's an eco man!) and has his own unique teaching methods (believing students can teach themselves if given the tools to experiment.) Most students hate him actually, but I think he's sexy and has interesting viewpoints (even if at times, he presses these on the students- it's cool to me)


And I like hearing any type of advice- I'm not the type of person who dwells too long on things she knows aren't right for her. I just express it and move on. Speak your mind, Rozi, yeah!

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Wow. Your not like some ppl i know, ba. LOL they fustrate themselves over everything and scream and cry and get angry at their friends for stuff that isnt working in their life. your like so together cuz u see somethin for wat it is and u dont TRY to make it into wat it shouldnt be. u let it go after writing sum poetry. thas so beautiful!! LOL

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