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I need help I like my best friend !


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In my honest opinion. Don't be scared to let your feelings show for him. Don't be afraid to persue how you feel. I know you're probably thinking, you know what If the friendship is weird, or what if somehow it gets ruined. Well I've been in the situation before. And I regret my decision. I decided, in a way to stay friends with a girl I've known and been best friends with all of my life. I honestly regret my decision. Because now its like we're not even friends anymore.


But I would say it's for you to decide. If It's going to bring you happiness, and if you think you can make things work for the best, then persue it. You may have a future with him. If you totally trust him and care, what could go wrong?? I mean he is already your best friend. You never know how much more that could turn into.


And remember I'm just speaking out of my own experience, and opinion.

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