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Gosh darn you!


I have the EXACT same prob with a boy at school! I don't know him, he don't know me, but I am interested in him majorly! Why do both sexes stress about this! It's soooo stupid!


Anyway, if I were you, I'd go up to her and start talking. Share any classes? Talk about those. But DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED IF SHE SEEMS LIKE SHE IS NOT INTO YOU!!! Because I NEVER know how to act around guys. They sometimes talk to me, and I just nod and say "yeah, whatever" and then go home and yell at myself for not saying more.


So just talk to her for like a week or two and keep a routine. You don't need to say much to get her attention, I promise. Then, if after those two weeks she still treats you like vermin, then say, "How come you don't like me? What did I do?" (that is a very important phrase!) and if she likes you, she'll say "Nothing, who said I didn't like you?" or she'll say "Um, you like, bug me every single day, it gets really annoying." the end, no harm, no foul. And you won't like her anymore because she's a b***h anyway. Lol.


I wish people would obsess over meeeee behind my back... Do i sound desperate or what?

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