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is my gf cheating on me?


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alright heres the story i had plans to chill with my gf on friday then all of a sudden shes like i have to goto the prep dance with my friends cuz i wanna meet ppl and make new guy friends. these prep dances are for horny rich kids and they all get it on, she nos that too. she doesnt invite me either what the hell m i supposed to think

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oy that is bad, I would just give her room and if she is truly in love with you she wont try anything. but if I were you I would start doing some serious pacing in your living room. The way you worded it makes me worry too "i have to goto the prep dance with my friends cuz i wanna meet ppl and make new guy friends" that is a real bad way to help a relationship grow. maybe she doesnt really think of you as her b\f but rather a really good friend. {no I am not being cliche I mean kind of a "best friend" thing.} Maybe you should try to make the relationship a little more serious.

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Hi There Mr.Boomstic


Simply put - you are not happy in your relationship because of an insecurity you have about your girlfriend. She is doing something that is provoking that insecurity, and is getting an understandable reaction.


If she loves you, she should be doing something to calm your worries. She should of course do this naturally before going to a party, but requesting this sort of reassurance in teh relationship is the positive and right thing to do here.


Have a chat about it and be straight up. Don't come accross like you think she has alread cheated on you - and if she asks you do you think she has, say "no!" under all circumstances. You have no evidence other than your own insecurity to base that upon, and you would most certainly drive her back to the party. She should do something to make you happy here - if she doesn't, then she shows no respect for the relationship and you should get out of there.


Give her the chance to neutralise the situation first by raising the topic for conversation.


Hope this helps you some,

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well then what would you like me to do? You know there is the possibility she isnt doing anything at all. If she is going to cheat on you there isnt a lot you can do about it anyways. If you really want to make sure just go to the dance! other then that she either will or she wont, this is just one of those times you just gotta hope to high hevean that your relationship is strong enough to last. besides a woman can have guy friends and not be in love with them. just as a guy can have female friends and not be in love with them. maybe she just wants to meet new ppl and socialize a little more, maybe she just feels she needs to.

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