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People my age?


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I don't know what to do... I'm so bored ALL the time. I work every weekend. I don't do much. I live alone. Don't have many friends that are my age. I'm 26 and if I do go out and hang with people...I'm the oldest!

I live in a life full of regret.

I feel trapped... My parents are always breathing down my back.

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who don't you work during the week? are you still in school? what are your parents down your back about??? what do you regret? sorry for all the questions, but I'd like to know more about your situation. To keep busy or make friends you can join clubs or vounteer somewhere that would intrest you.

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Hey Dougie, I know how you feel. A few years ago I was in the same slump. I was working at a place that I only met people a lot older than me (none that I clicked with enough to be friends) and spent my social time with my younger brother and his friends! I wondered if I would ever meet anyone my own age. I enrolled in college in the end, and now am in University. Obviously not everybody can do that, but there are options.


I signed up for an evening class a couple of years ago as well, which is where I met my now ex-girlfriend.


If you can go out with your friends, whatever age they are, I'm sure with a few drinks you can meet some new people! I often just bump into random people when I'm out drinking, and sometimes we all meet up again the next week or whatever. Just be confident.


If you're into music may I recommend a music festival -- the easiest place to meet strangers I've ever known!

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I am into music but since I have a job, I can't really do anything.

O.k...here is my life history


1. First off, all my friends I hung out with in highschool, went to the "other" highschool. I had always felt like a third wheel.

2. I went to college out of town. Everyone else decided to go to the local college instead.. I was really excited!

3. I spent about 5 years partying, hanging out, and stuff...Making a lot of connections with people.

4. I couldn't find a job with my degree...so my parents wanted me to come back home. I left after a month of graduating.

5. My parents were getting pissed because I didn't have a job...so they suggested I'd go back to school.

6. I went back to a community college and I have one semester left...In Video Production....something that I don't really care about. I was just bored!

At the same time I had finally got a part time job (first job ever at 24)....It's retail! I work every tuesday, thursday,friday,saturday, sunday!!!!?

7. I feel lost... I don't want a job in video...I don't even like it that much. My parents are always trying to tell me what to do. They are all about status.

They think that I'll be in retail the rest of my life.

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It's never too late to turn your life around. You just need to realise what it is you want to achieve. What type of job appeals to you? What are your passions and interests?


Doing video production when you don't care about it seems such a waste of time. I know people that do things like that - media, computer IT etc. - and it goes nowhere.


Why does having a job mean you don't have any time? You have weekends off, and I'm sure you can book other days off work if needs be.

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Have you checked out Meetup groups in your area? What are your likes/dislikes?


When my ex broke up with me, I started attending church, meetup groups, and I volunteered, got back into martial arts and started going to a gym. I'm pretty busy AND happy now.


Seriously, just about everyone goes through this at least once in their lives.



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I have always wanted to be an A&R guy for a record label. I want a job that has to do with music.

When I first went to school, I went to be a recording engineer...I learned real fast, that if I am going to record something it better be me and not someone else. And I didn't like the fact of a producer telling me what to do. Also, I didn't like my professors.

I switched to the business side...but I quickly lost faith when I took copyright law. I failed. And then I just didn't care.

I switched my major 3 times after that... Art, Broadcast/Television, and Business.

I had all these random classes...so my advisor said, just take this one class and you'll be able to graduate this fall with a University Studies Degree.

My parents are really strict...so we talked...and I thought about doing the video thing...but now I just hate it. I can work the teachers, though.

Last semester...I didn't do anything for two classes... one gave me a B and the other a C!

If I can find a job with music...I'll be so happy!

But.. I feel guilty because I've never paid for my school. I think that's another reason my parents are so tough on me.

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