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7 year itch?????

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Does anyone believe in such a thing as the "7 year itch"? I have noticed several relationships on this forum that have broken up after 6 years (as did mine). Many of these it seemed just died from lack of interest after many good years together. Do you think there is something to this 7 year thing?

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Does anyone believe in such a thing as the "7 year itch"? I have noticed several relationships on this forum that have broken up after 6 years (as did mine). Many of these it seemed just died from lack of interest after many good years together. Do you think there is something to this 7 year thing?


Yeah, I do, although I think the "itch" can come at any time, once the couple, or one of the partners in the couple, stops working to stay connected with each other.

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The "7 year itch" syndrome can happen at anytime after the "in-love" stage of the relationship passes. Relationships take work. It's a shame we can't often find out soon whether someone is wanting to really work at a relationship until enough time actually passes.



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I guess there must be a lot of people out there that don't realize that the "in love" phase doesn't last forever. I thought that phase was only supposed to last 3 - 6 months but I guess it can last much longer for some people.

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