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my boyfriend of 3 years has an ex-wife that hates me. She does not want boyfriend to see his daughter around me. I have spent every weekend with this little girl for the past 3 years. She says that i am a bad parent and he cannot leave his daughter with me. what do i do?

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  • 11 months later...

if you know you have been (and your boyfriend knows that too), that you treat that little girl as if shes' your own, who cares about what his ex-wife thinks? Your conscious is the most important here, plus you can't please everyone in the world. There are people out there who are vicious and spiteful (for whatever insecure reasons they might have). Just make sure that your boyfriend knows, and you know (if the ex-wife knows even better) that you love his little girl just like your own and that you're a good person within, and you have absolutely no intention of harming her whatsoever. Better to be cooperative than in combat, coz' that little girl is looking up to you as her role model, as her "mom" too, and this is what she's going to learn so that she can pass along to her kids in the future.

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