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-Help me!- what should I do?


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I'm in love with a guy for already like 8 months… but the problem is that we don't talk. We used to be friends for 1 year, but then I totally "dumped" him because people in my school started to say I liked him which I didn't but anyway I "dumped" him. I didn't tell him anything, I just went away when he sat beside me and things like that. 1 Year had passed and I haven't talk to him, because I'm really shy. I'm afraid he rejects me or hurts me. And he doesn't talk to me either. But he is always staring at me. My friends say he wants to talk to me or he likes me cause of the way he always looks at me.

There are just 2 reasons why he doesn't talk to me---- 1. He is to damn shy to talk to me, or 2. I don't interest him at all. But if it's #2 then why does he stares at me all the time?

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dude, ask him. in private. and i'm dispointed that you listened to your friends gossip in the first place, you probably really hurt him and he's really confused. he probably thinks you hate him, and he is staring at you because he is thinking about you and trying tog et up to courage to ask what happened to your friendship?

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Thanks for answering!


He is always with his friends. He's 2 grades above me and I only get to see him one lunch time and dismissal. I dont' see him alone often.

And If he was alone, I knowing myself, knowing my shyness, I know I'lll not talk to him. That's mainly my problem. My shyness. If I wasn't this shy I would have talk to him ages ago. I hate my shyness

In dismissal I get to see him a lot cause he lives near me. He moved last week to a house near mine but none of that time we've left together. If ever catch him, i mean If I ever leave at the same time he does, that's a good cahnce to talk to him. But what should I talk about when 1 year had passed and I haven't talk to him for so long?

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Firstly he likes you definitely , guys dont keep staring at a girl otherwise if they dump them a year ago


when u meet him be casual ask him hows he been and discuss something general like the weather or movies etc... see how he reacts


then if he becomes interested like responds enthiusiastically or tries to make the conversation grow .. then tell him that u guys should meet up more often


take it from there but personally i think he really likes you


let me know what happens.

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