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The Six Steps In Life/ feedback plz

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Six Steps In Life

by SB


It all started with a Friendship

that turned into a smile.

followed by our two hands meeting.

the question was go out with me

the answer to come was yes


It all started with a Courtship

that turned into love

followed by our eyes meeting.

the question was do you

the answer was yes i love you


It all started with a Relationship

that turned into a passion

followed by our lips meeting

the question was are you sure

the answer was its worth it


It all started with a Partnership

that turned into a conflict

followed by pieces of us meeting

the question was are you ready for this

the answer was ready for the world


It all started with Two Lives

that turned into one

followed by our hearts meeting

the question was will you

the answer was I do


It all started with Two People

that turned into one person

followed by a beautiful meeting

the question was what is it

the answer was a boy


It ended with a Family


(Well what do you all think about this. I love writing but i never have posted anything for some feedback on it. Just thought I would do something to pass some time.)

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Yes that was good. Nice and optimistic. I was almost waiting for something to go wrong. In this day and age we are so cynical about love. But it CAN work. Your poem illustrates that. And those who find it have stepped into paradise on earth!


I too was waiting for something to go arwy and it didn't. Cycisism is born out of life experiences and pain very few escape its wrath. I too once believed.


Very nice.

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