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Well this post really puts my ex to bed. She told me 2day shes seeing someone else!!! Hes 29 8 years older than her and 3 years older than me…says shes been with him 2 weeks and this is the best bit is going on holiday with him for a week 2morrow!! Which makes me think its been going on longer than that how could u go away with someone u have been with for 2 weeks, plus it’s the bloke who sent her that text message when we were going out, so perhaps it was going on then..its been 4 months now so long enough


I think its abit laughable really, but then she has to make these mistakes..i always thought she would trade me in for someone younger and better looking, ive seen him and to be honest hes not all that!!


But I suppose that’s final closure for me..i was really strong when she told me, she was crying!! But then there was an insult she called me his name, I know her mum and dad are very worried about her but she has to learn for herself…anyway I will continue to help others on here but my story really is over now!!

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I think in a way at least you gotta respect her that she told you about him. I mean you know she didnt hide it from you for a really really long time.


I think i really respect that in some people, I have been lied to and deceited so many times byt the same person and he never had the dignity or respect to come and tell me about it.


Oh anyway.


All the best

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you're right mate, take this point as the end and move on from here,

I'm still waiting to find out about my ex, but no doubt it'll happen...and soon, but I'm living as though it's already happened, why wait around for her to put the final nail in the coffin y'know...


But yeah, that part of your life is over, she has made her choice, you must now make yours, do sit and pine and cry for a few months, or take those few months and have a BLAST with your friends?


seems like a pretty easy choice to me!

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