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My hair is always breaking/falling out!!!

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Hey everyone,


I have incredibly thick hair, and I seem to have more on my head than most people. I have had it thinned, cut shorter, etc.. but I have been dealing with this for years and I'm so fed up with it.


My hair falls out constantly. Every time I wash it, there's a clump in the drain. When I comb my hair, it gets all over the bathroom floor, my dresser, etc. I am completely fed up. I have no idea if it's caused by poor maintenance, a chemical imbalance, or what. Some days I seriously feel like pulling a Britney and shaving it all off, just because I'm so sick of dealing with it. Nothing I've tried has helped.


Does anyone know what might be causing this?? Is it something I should see my doctor for?

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i have the same issue, my doctor told me the issue is a combination, blow drying, using flat irons, dying, and wearing my hair up too much and on top of that, thinning your hair actually causes more breakage in the long run, it makes your hair seems thinner but it eventually causes ugly flyaways and makes your hair more brittle. I started using redkin smooth down, its a little pricey for shampoos and conditions and other hair products but its worth it

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I am a hairstylist! It is normal to lose 75-150 hairs per day. Some people lose more at different times of the year. Take Vitamin D and E. I think there are some companies that sell hair pills. And do conditioning treatments once a week!! Towel dry hair and use a thick Masque type conditioner. Leave it on for 15 mins. and rinse! If This doesn't work I would see a doctor.It sometimes indicates a thyroid disorder or other illnesses! Good luck!

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I would by a shampoo on natural basis: I use Lush and it's great. it's in the form of a bar. Never had a better shampoo. Alos I use their conditioner too.

Or you can try Vishy (only in pharmacies).

I take vitamin b. It helps me with my nails and hair.

Do not comb your hair constantly and be aware that it's normal to loose hair while washing it and combing it.

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