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Please Help W/ My Different Situation

Sure Shot

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Hi, i have been having some problems with getting/kissing this girl.

She is a foreign exchange student at my school and is staying with a friend of mine. I have known her only a few weeks but I'm really into her and I think that she likes me a decent amount as well. I'm pretty much one of the only guys she is around right now. I don't want to rush anything or do anything stupid.

My question is how should I approach her to ask her if she would want to go out or anything. Is that even a good idea?

I also just can't stop thinking about kissing her. I just simply want to just walk up to her and just kiss her. I don't think I should do that though sooo... Is there a good way to go about kissing a person if you aren't already involved? I keep hearing "Oh, you should just ask her." and "You should never ask her, just do it!". So what would be the best thing to do if I really want to, am not in a relationship with her, and don't know if I should ask for her permission or not?

Should I be looking for a signal telling me that she is ok with the idea without me specifically asking? And how should I kiss her if that is the road I should travel upon? Where? (Car, dark room, movie, no idea...)

Maybe I should just flirt with her for a while or something along those lines. Now, if that is what I should do, what exactly should I do?

This is a different situation for atleast me and if anything needs clarified please ask. Thank you in advance for your help. I'm pretty confused.

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She is from Sweden.

I did a search when she came and found out that basically in the culture they all are just really romantic. This was a forum talking about a guy who was in a serious relationship with a girl from Sweden. They talked about just generally being a gentleman. Like get doors, pull out chairs, and stuff like that. I have been pretty good about doing that too but she is younger(17) and I think she is a little more outgoing and might not even be picking up on it. I'm finding it hard to just come out and tell her because I'm pretty nervous about what she might say and there really isn't a moment that I can get alone with her because the girl she is staying with is around too. I think that she would just want what any other girl would want.

Thank you very much for your responses, they have helped a lot.

Any suggestions on how I would be able to find out if she likes me? I don't really want to ask the girl shes staying with(even though she is my friend) just because if she didn't really like me it might be very akward.

I have concluded that maybe just kissing her isn't the best idea without talking to her first. Is that right?

If she does like me, when should I go about kissing her?

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