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How do I deal with how many girls hes slept with?

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ok my fiance is the 1st and only person i've been with...but he has been with quite a bit of people....most of it was just 'casual sex' and the girls were friends of his and most of them still are...he doesnt talk to them very often, but when he does..it kind of bothers me. its not really a jealousy thing...but ok..whenever me and him have sex, its so special...but knowing that all these other girls have already been there...makes me feel just..weird and sick feeling. he says that these girls didnt experience what we have, which is true, but to the girls, it might seem different. i just dont think i could handle these girls thinking 'ive been there done that' when they see me standing next to him holding his hand. how do i deal?

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have you told him how you feel about this. and really that should be a problem the the other girls have not you i would think. you got what they can't have anymore(if you think of it like that). but really you should tell him that you don't mind that he has slept with other girls but u don't want to feel like these other girls are kinda looking down on you.

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Yeah I've talked to him about it, and felt alot better afterwards because he assured me that none of them were with him the way I am...and he wasnt even dating most of those girls. most of it was just one time things...but i still kinda feel weird. i dunno, i guess i would understand more if i had slept with other ppl before him..i just dont know what its like to have previous partners...

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