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Lead me not to temptation for you shall be hurt

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Emotions rise

In which temptations occur

A heart meant to bleed for you

Yet I’m still lured


I don’t find this attraction

As strong as I should

I’m hoping that you don’t pull on this rope

Love won’t withstand a tug


I hold onto the hope

That my emotions don’t shine through

I try not to lead to temptation

As that’s not how id want it for you


Your eyes keep a grip so strong

Yet mine led a stray

Not to what you’d expect

But my heart wishes not to obey


Secrets are kept

In ways clear to both you and I

Holding doors shut

Doesn’t keep you outside


I try not to speak out

But my hearts screams to

How can I hurt a man with the words “I don’t love you”

When it’s all he lives for?

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id like to explain a few factors about my poem.. just before it leads to misconceptions which i dont really fancy having placed on me.


the poems a reflection about contrasting emotions in relationships and how it feels. i wanted to talk about how it feels to either knowingly be with someone who loves YOU less OR for you to knowingly be with someone who loves you more than you can offer THEM


i think sometimes its difficult to understand two sides of a story.. i guess i wanted to have a shot at the side people might find most difficult to get their heads around.


ive been in a relationship where ive knowingly felt less than the person ive been with. to me, it was an immensley overwhelming situation, upsetting, sereal yet incredibly eye opening, guilty almost and slightly resentful towards yourself.


its hard to explain. maybe its for those people who think that little bit too much. you dont want pity for it. clearly its a more difficult for the recieving individual (to learn that their feelings arent recipricated).


BUT i also feel that theres difficulties on the other side.

maybe questions are raised.


why dont you feel the way they do?

maybe theres one glitch but really its rosey.. you just cant see that yet?

how do you tell someone you dont feel how they do?

at what point should a relationship be stopped knowing this?

should it be ignored so long as the relationships enjoyable... but then again... why prolong a pain that could be easily enhanced for both parts?


i think these situations can be difficult sometimes. one of those.. i cant see a light at the end of the tunnel. something that cant be justified maybe. i mean, in my predicament, i found that i couldnt find a fault with them. i didnt have a reason for not wanting to be in their company, enjoying their company. i was just aware that i didnt feel the same. its hard to deal with. how do you end something that isnt bad but isnt right.


i just wanted people to have a little think. maybe this is something that just bemuses me. ive got lots to say but its getting muddled up. maybe someone else has a small analysis or theory. who knows.


but anyway, i felt like it was something i needed to say.


neva x


p.s. for those reading. well one specific person. it isnt aimed at you. it was a small lasting situation that i never saw coming. i personally learnt that you should never use anyones emotions - even if they dont see you as hurting them... sometimes you just know you will *get me?*

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