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Seriously Lost


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My bf of a year broke up with me on last friday night . i cried and cried and cried but felt that it was going to be ok . well he said the reason is that we live so far apart from each other and he feels that i would be happier with someone where i live plus he said that his feelings has changed for me ( the last time i saw him was in july 2003 and we had a blast of a time) but he told a friend of mine that he still has feelings for me . i really like this boy alot but he said that he needs space but he texted oon sunday saying that he can't get me out of his mind and hope i could forgive him . i spoke to him on tuesday but only for 10 mins and nothing after that . a problem we had was he said that i always stay online and he feels i refuse to go out because of him but thats not true , he says that he is confuse about breaking up with me . i was willing to move to his country but the laws are pretty shitty for immgriation .

i'm so confused right now and i feel that he has blocked me from msn and he does not return my texts or email . should i move on from this relationship or try to make it work out i really need some advice on this



thanks in advance

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Hi Claudia,


Long distance relationships can be difficult at the best of times - especially when they are falling apart. Are you happy with the long distance relationship - and could you put up with it? Is there a real chance that you could both live in the same place?


I fear that unless you can live in the same place in the near future, that this issue will simply rule any relationship that you could possibly retrieve at this stage.


Bottom line - unless you can move to each other, you are possible better off leaving this relationship go and moving on to something that is a little easier to survive in.


If you really do love him though, you should make sure that you give him every oppertunity to be with you and should he stilnot want to get back together, then you should walk away with your head high


Hope this helps you some,



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