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making out with a tongue piercing?

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hey- ive been wanting to get my tongue pierced, but i want to know if it will make making out unejoyable for me and my guy. i really want to get this done, but i like making out a lot and i dont want it to get ruined by a tongue ring lol plz reply people!



and if me/my guy didnt like making out with the piercing, could i take it out just to kiss without it closing up?



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I'm with Nikola. Just talk to him about it. Alot of weird mouth quirks can make making out more interesting and ENJOYABLE though! (I'm NOT talking about bad breath and plaque...lol)


I know a guy who has a tooth growing out completely behind his other teeth, and most girls are totally shocked, but LIKE It when they are making out with him and first discover it...

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I agree, if you're concerned, just ask his opinions first. I personally must say that I can't stand them and I see no benefit from them, but that's just my opinion. Many people enjoy them, so I know I'm not in the majority. A tongue ring doesn't really get in the way of anything though, at least from my own experience.


Just my opinion!


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  • 2 weeks later...

My boyfriend has two tongue rings... i dont have any.. but anyways.. they are fun... but like if your boyfriend doesnt like it or you dont you can take it out and i dont think it will close up if it is a long enough time after you had it done.. but i do know that once you get it done your not supposed to make out, drink, smoke, or do drugs... lol but ya.... hope this helps!~

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