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In a position and I need help!

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Hey ya'll. I have found myself in a very frusturating situation. I need some advice really bad.


You have to understand something before I begin. This is the only male I have ever "seriosuly" been with. I am 21 years old and I have been seeing him for 5 almost 6 years now. He is the only male I have ever kissed/slept with. I always thought that this is what I wanted but latley I've been really thinking about things.


To be blunt about this. I am finding myself wanting/needing to be with another male. Recently I have been going out with my girlfriends and I have been meeting tons of new guys. Ones who have been interested in me, and in my case the same.


There is one guy in particular who really likes me. I thought he was cute and all. Well it just hit me that I want to what you call "hook up with him." I am going to see him again Friday. I would never cheat on my b/f. But this is really hard on me. Because I'm sort of interested. I am not a s***. I just need to vent out.


How do I go about this? Am I being selfish? What is wrong with me?


Friday is soon. . .should i? Shouldn't I?


HELP me please! Anyone...

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OK. I sooooooo know you're not a s***!!! But maybe you're just feeling like that guy you thought was perfect and you'd want to be with for the rest of your life isnt really what you want. I mean...People change, ya know? Everyone does. Don't beat yurself up over it. Just...how much do you love your boyfriend...and does he really satisfy you...obviously he doesnt truly satisfy you with everything, or you wouldnt be straying.... 1st thing.. figure out how much you care about him. 2nd...is this lust for this other guy..or do you think it could be something more? 3rd of all, if you really want to hang out with this guy instead of YOUR guy...let your guy know..just ask him to take a break for a lil while.. just be like 'you are the only guy ive been with and have spent more then 5 years of my life with you..i just want to see if theres anything else for me...' im always afraid of the same thing you are going through right now...because i am engaged to the first and only person ive slept with, right now he satisfies me all around...and i dont want to be with anyone else..but i think sometimes that it could change in the future..i just hope it doesnt. but itd be totally ok if it did, i mean we've only been with one person...i dont see why wanting to experience more is a problem...

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My girlfriend has just broken up with me and she is a bit older than yourself - you don't say how old your boyfriend is though? It seems to me that you are that age where you need to be on your own and have your freedom and independence without answering to anyone else. You need to talk to your boyfriend about this ASAP as the longer it goes on, the more chance there is of you blaming your boyfriend for not letting you have any independence, and this can turn to resentment....

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From a male point of view, that's the last thing you want to hear from your girlfriend(been there),cos the thought of her with someone else is like molten lava in the stomach.buuuuut, if you dont you'll always wonder....

If you decide you do want to be with your boyfriend a couple of months down the line (and if he'll take you back) then you know it's meant to be.

The grass is always greener...

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what u may do is what my girlfriend did to me, well not sure if she was finding other men attractive but she told me she wanted to be single, as she had just turned 21 and we had been together since she was 17..


obviously i was devastated but i respected her decision, i think u need to make the break, ur having big doubts..not sure how old ur boyfriend is but im 25 and had got the single life out of my system, but ur boyfrind could be different, perhaps he needs to be single as well...


the grass isn't always greener and perhaps u won't find someone better, but u need to find that out now, as what happens if u marry and then decide u need to be single..best to do it now, thats how i looked at it when my ex broke up with me, at least we weren't married..


u need ur independance for a while, my ex has no regrets and is really enjoying herself..who knows one day we could get back the same could happen to u.


talk to him, communication is the key...we didn't do that she just told me out of the blue and i know she was talking to others, and them knowing before me really upset me..

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