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I split with my partner about 2months ago...


have found it difficult, not calling her, dealling with other life crisises such as setting up my business and my mum dying of cancer last year.


today I got a call from my ex... she with held her no, so I didnt know it was her that was calling.. she acted like we have been friends and nothing had happened, she knew I was hurting not just because of her but also because of the other issues I mentioned.


can you believe it she asked if my dad was still in the positon he was in the company he works for and that she would like to know how much a particular contract was worth to his company... She is in sales, she knows that my dad couldnt give out confidential information. It seemed really cheeky that she thought I could help with something like that... it was only for her gain. I am angry, but also taken a back... I said I dont think I could help, and that its a little awkward... she snubbed me and said ' ach you'll live! very condesending if you ask me!


what do you all think... a bit weird... cheeky and a little unprofessional?

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