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progress after a few dates...need advice

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Hi everyone,


I met a gal online and after a few emails, I asked her out for a coffee. On our coffee date, we had a great time and we both had alot in common. I said I would call her when we were saying our goodbyes.


True to my word, I called her a few days later and made plans to go out last weekend. We had a nice dinner with great conversation, then went to a movie. When I dropped her off, she said that we should keep in touch and she gave me a hug and left. I felt pretty good about the date and left it at that.


It was 4 days since I'd last heard from her, so I called her last night. She sounded surprised when I called her and she said that she had quite a busy week. She went on to say how the next week was going to be even busier for her. I understand that life gets busy sometimes and we have little time for other things, but is this a sign that she might not be interested? Our conversation on the phone was very brief and seemed forced (another sign she may be not interested). Am I looking too much into this?


It maybe too soon to tell and I should give her the benefit of the doubt. She said she would call me next week and I'll leave it in her hands and see where things go. I guess if she doesn't call, then I have my answer. Still I would rather be told in person and know right away if our relationship was going anywhere



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It sounds to me like she is not interested. The whole "lets keep in touch" thing is weird becuase if she liked you and planned to keep dating you then I would think she would have said something more like...I will talk to you later, see you later, can't wait until our next date...not "keep in touch"

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It's a 50 50 thing. If she doesn't make an effort to call you the next week after taking responsibility to call then no she is not into you. Everyone can have a busy week but I don't see if right that out of 7 days, 24 hours in a day there isn't a single moment you can't call.

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whenever i don't feel something from someone, i usually use the same sayings. oh, i've been busy. oh, i'm going to bed. etc. i usually do it when i don't want to be bothered at that particular moment, or i'm not interested. maybe she is busy though. she said next week. what about the weekend though, you know?

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If I were you I would chalk it up to her not being very interested. Seems like perhaps she was making excuses with the being so busy thing.


I wouldn't try to get in touch with her at all So yep, just leave the ball in her court and go ahead with your life finding someone new to date.

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Thanks everyone for the advice. Darkpumpkin, I agree with you when you said that someone isn't that busy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We all are busy but balance is important, and I know that I would make time for a simple call to see how a girl is doing.


On a brighter side, I do have a coffee date tonight with another gal. Wish me luck



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