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Hi, I went out tonight, no lack of attention, but I don't want this stuff in my life, I could never love the people that are attracted to me, got home about 10 minutes ago, can't believe it, everyone wants to get laid, but where is the love, thats just not me....I'm feeling so lost....


It was kinda cute, had a guy do a song for me, Hell i didn't want that, but he did, it was a nice song, "tiny dancer" was cute... to bad he scares me.....

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its out there, and the only way to find it is to stop thinking about not having it.


i know how hard it is, we have all found our self desperate for love at one point or another, but to attract the people you WANT to attract you gotta be happy being on your own first, because that is the only time your real self will show and attracted that kind of people it desires. i really do know how hard it is and also know that it takes a long time to achieve.


but i think that's what you should be looking for, the right guy IS out there, probably more then one (probably more then a 100).


good luck

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Astaro, Thanks you really are a sweetheart, I've abstained from going to bars for a long time, but I did tonite and was totally freaked out, people were soo blatantly coming on, maybe I'm a prude, but I hate that, I have to be a little in love, thats Sandy....


I don't like the add alcohol add relationship thingme... never works for me...

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well, at least people hit on you, granted their drunk and slimy, but at least something is going your way


i have had my fair share of experiences with drunk girls (bar tended for like 7 years on and off). very few things in this world i find less appealing then drunks


Edit - just noticed your original edit, you even have more going for you then i thought. not many girls can say that happened to them.

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Hi Sandy,


I'm sorry you had a tough night. I think you are definitely onto something when you say that you don't want to start a relationship based on alcohol, such as when you meet someone in a bar.


I'm wondering, have you tried exploring other options for meeting someone, such as an online dating site?

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Hi, I went out tonight, no lack of attention, but I don't want this stuff in my life, I could never love the people that are attracted to me, got home about 10 minutes ago, can't believe it, everyone wants to get laid, but where is the love, thats just not me....I'm feeling so lost....


It was kinda cute, had a guy do a song for me, Hell i didn't want that, but he did, it was a nice song, "tiny dancer" was cute... to bad he scares me.....

Sandyv, I know how you feel, lately, I have been drowning myself in books, hanging out with friends, and creating my own photo essays/journals and I'm working on a book. all these attempts are about the same topic dealing with the end of a relationship and the beginning of a new one (with my dog) that might seem pathetic, but I can't get myself to think of starting over with someone else not right now at least. The latst thing I want to hear is that I'm sexy or that I have great legs or anything sexual. I want a real connection with someone, someone who want's to spend hours in discovering the horizons that we could reach together. I was told I am a romantic, and heck maybe I am, but if for the rest of my life I will encounter someone who only approaches me with the goal in mind of getting in my pants, well...then it's only going to be me and Shiva4ever, as far as I'm concerned.

Here I was tonight thinking that the nights seem to be the worst, but that's ok I still am better off feeling alone than being with someone and feeling desperately alone. That to me is the greatest injustice of all.

I am so broken, and so empowered at the same time I can't quite explain it. But I feel like I have to hold the strength of character in the forefront of my mind and not the sense of loss.

Does any of this make any sense? I feel for what you are going through.

Good luck

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Shiva: You seem to echo the way that I feel totally, so we both have got alot in common. Thanks cause I need to know I'm not the only one going through this kinda stuff, I'm lonely as hell, and I don't know how to make things better. I don't know if its possible to find happiness with this state of mind, lets hope so......


But having said that Shiva, you are very intelligeant, you've obviously got so much to give.... be here for me if you can, we are few and far between you know....

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Hey Red Queen: You are so right, and just maybe I should change my sexual orientation, you are gorgeous girl!

Ahh, thanks, you ain't too bad yourself!!


Honestly Sandy, I love reading your posts and you seem like such a sincere and good person. Screw these guys, they don't even deserve your attention, let alone *you*.


Patience my dear, a worthy suitor will surely come your way.


P.S. I hate those round brushes too, they should be deemed as WAH, "Weapons Against Hair."

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Sandyv, thank you for your message, being lonely is not the worst of it, I promise you, it's a hell of a let better then someone taking advantage of you like in my case. I am still picking up the pieces, and each day I ask myself, how do I make it work today? I guess as my sister say be careful, you may be falling into a depression. I want to just sleep it all away or own a magic wond and wish it to go all away. But life doesn't work that way, we all have to take responsibility for our own actions. I made the mistake of trusting the wrong person to trust and now I am paying the consequences. How do I move past it??? therapy? yes I go there once a week, work? well that's a whole different story, I do I put on a face like everything is going dandy with my life when I feel like I have no one to go home with and cry with. I guess I want to tell you that you and I need to remember in this whole mess the greatest thing we still have is our integrity and ourselves. I hope you didn't go trhough similar things that I went through although I hear it's more common than I thought.

Feel free to share your story if you wish, I find sometimes it help.

Also what I am doing for myself is bying flowers practically every week to say to myself that I'm special to me, even even it's only me and my beautiful puppy Shiva who I find is the most specail one of all.





Leads none of us by the same route

by Charles Caleb Colton

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