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whats going on!!?


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Hey swtangel980!!


To the above post I do not agree.


Firstly, have you had unprotected sex?


Secondly, have you done a kit?


I think as your period was late, theres a chance that you are, (If you've had unprotected sex)



But the fact that it did come, means that u could not be. And the only way to know is to take a test. And the sooner the better, because the sooner you know, the sooner you can decide what to do.


Periods can be late for a number of reasons, stress, change of diet, exercise, it could be a number of things. So I think you have to take a test, but it could go either way. Its the only way to know for definite. If you haven't actually had unprotected sex, then I wouldn't say you are.


Good luck

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Hi swtangel980,


There can be some bleeding and cramping when a fertilized egg implants in the uterus. It can sometimes give the false impression of a period. On the other hand it doesn't take 2 months for that to happen so I am puzzled by the timing.



- You were pregnant and miscarried

- You were pregnant, miscarried, and are pregnant again

- You weren't pregnant before but you are now

- You were never pregnant and just had a late period

- You have been pregnant the whole time and are having problems

- You aren't pregnant but you have the flu


Take a pregnancy test. If it is positive get to the doctor right away. If its negative then get some rest and drink lots of fluids.

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well, my cramps for like the first and second day were so BAD worse than i have ever had in my life. i got prescription pain pills cuz they were that bad.. could that be a sign of misscariage?..cuz i dont think that if it was the bleeding from the fertilized egg it would last about 7-8 days(longer than usual usually im 4-5 days) and bleed SO MUCH! it was a alot more than normal too. i really dont want to go to the doctor or anything becuz i dont want to talk to my mom about it and her ask all the questions...thanks for all the help!

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It sounds very much to me like you miscarried. Heavy cramps, heavy bleeding, etc sounds like more was going on than just a period. Throwing up now could be the hormones clearing out of you.


But still, I suggest you take a pregnancy test. You can get one at the drug store and you don't have to visit the doctor. Your parents don't need to know yet. Let us know what the result is and we can help you with what you need to do next.


Good luck!

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