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First Annivessaries

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Next week is my first year annivessary and its both our first relationship.


I plan to bring her to a special dinner, present her with a flower and an illustration and share w her all the tickets i kept for rides or movies we spent together during our first year.


Just curious, what did u guys do during your first annivessary? I hope to hear some romance going on here.


Ladies, what would you like to see duirng ur annivessaries?

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We haven't been together a year yet....but every month on the 23rd (the day we met) He gives me a long-stemmed red rose for each month we have been together. I have been saving all the cards, movie ticket stubs, and wine corks from our dates...for a scrap book. I guess we will have two anniversaries...the wedding and the day we met anniversary.

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I've been dating my boyfriend for just over a year.


We went out to dinner on the night of our anniversary, and we took a long weekend that weekend and spent it just being together doing nothing in particular. It was absolutely perfect.


I got him an engraved picture frame with the words "A true story of a story of true love" (the title of a song from one of our favorite bands) and our names and 2007 engraved on it with pictures of us together in it. I also made 365 pieces of paper with memories, private jokes, little sayings, sweet nothings, etc written on them and put them in a velvet bag. He's been taking out one to read each day since.


He got me a digital camera (mine broke a couple weeks before), which I totally wasn't expecting.

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Our one year is coming up, which to me isn't so much the end of the first year, but the beginning of many more years. We decided to get each other gifts, and I decided to get him a nice watch, something classic that he can have pretty much for the rest of his life. I want to have it engraved, but not sure what to put yet, we have so many goofy sayings. He will probably get me something sparkly. I dunno, we just feel the need to spoil each other, especially because we weren't able to take time off to have a weekend together like we had been hoping, so we will probably go out for a nice dinner and do our regular thing, which is perfect we don't do month-iversaries, but he makes a point of remembering (I sometimes forget!)


here's the link, please let me know what you think about the watch, I think it has his name written all over it!


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I was offered 20% off of the price ($195 CDN) by haggling at diff stores. I'm all proud of myself for that

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Thanks so much for sharing, my friends!


Its really wonderful to hear you guys have and are going to have a romantic and beautiful annivessaries.


Unfortunately, my gf doesnt want to celebrate the annivessary and even told me that others can treat her better...im just very disappointed again. Ive been caring and putting so much..


Anyways, keep it up guys. Annivessaries are meant to be celebrated and its always great to recall wonderful moments u had together.

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Im not really sure whats up with that but its partly my fault too coz I missed Valentine. And I cancelled annivessary plans after hearing from her that she doesnt want to see me. As soon as I cancelled coz i know she doesnt want to go, she suddenly meets me up and say she misses me, then I plan for anni again and she refuse and blamed me for cancelling it.... Its kinda like shes playing hard to get.


I know for sure theres actually no one else who shes totally interested in. But shes treating me like I owe a big thing to her...I told her nicely if others can treat her well then I wont stop her for her own happinness and she start bringing up other faults of mine. Its really tiring.


Its really sad to see when ur partner is bored w you due to high expectations and start being rude to you and expect you to make things better and you try and try, yet they make it harder and harder...

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here's the link, please let me know what you think about the watch, I think it has his name written all over it!


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I was offered 20% off of the price ($195 CDN) by haggling at diff stores. I'm all proud of myself for that


The watch is beautiful redrose. You're so romantic!

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I broke up with her and we did met on our supposed to be annivessary day and we both agree we can carry on. But she has this expectation of me that I shud be more committed and I should care more. Just today she says shes going to watch a movie, 300 with another guy friend(when we ald agreed that we shudnt go out w someone else of the opp sex alone). I said ok because if it makes her happy but reminded her that we had an agreement in our relationship and she asked me a killer question:


"Since when are we attached. Youve yet to win me over..."


I immediately cut it off upon hearing that. How can someone be so unfair when Ive been caring and just past two days Ive discussed im going to commit more and these 2 days ive been having a flu and she said i dont care.

Shes really playing games w me and put her own bf in a catagory w other guys whos chasing after her...


Girls, i hope you dont do this to ur bf too...putting ur partner in a league, making it clear to him if he cant make her happy then other guys can win her over. It is just very selfish. Its like u get bored of ur partner and start going out w other guys.



Please dont kick her redrose.

But that watch is so nice!

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desert rose, before him I thought things like anniversaries and promise rings were stupid. Up until this valentine's day, I thought that was stupid too. But I love the guy, and we really feel like this was the best year of our lives, and just the start of many more years to come, so, we wanted to celebrate and commemorate it. It really comes down to what you like, as a couple.


I actually wound up finding a better deal on a watch, and he likes it a lot thankfully. Found a Citizen watch w/ a black dial instead, for a 30% discount, so way less than the Bulova, which he was relieved about.


I'm glad you broke up with her, she sounds so high maintenance and I think she's insecure and no one can ever really please her. Good on ya!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. I'm so sorry.


I can honestly say that my boyfriend knows without a doubt that there is no one else I'd rather be with than him, and that he has absolutely nothing to worry about, since I'm simply not interested in what any other guy has to offer.


I'm glad to hear that you have broken up with her, it does sound like she's being very selfish, and you deserve someone who considers you to be the only guy in the league.

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I personally don't like celebrating anniversaries but girls seem to love it so I'll do it just to make them happy. I don't mind doing it on a 1 year anniversary but I mean is it really important to have a 3,6,or 9 month anniversary. Then there's the dumb anniversary of events and it's like those things happened so long ago so I don't even remember. Then the girl always gets mad because I don't remember.


Heh, I like to bring up random anniversaries just because it's fun. I don't expect us to celebrate them or anything, but the best recent example was our sexiversary, or the one year anniversary of the first time we got it on.


I think if you're really serious about anniversaries it can be a real drag, but it's fun to remember what you were doing "a year ago today".

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