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birthday gift for "crush/friend"

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a friends birthday is cuming up and i am lost as to what to get..


i like her and she knows it.. but she has a boyfriend and they are really happy together and i want it to stay that way..


this will also be a sort of a goodbye present since after her birthday, we only have a month before we will leave for universities - which are like on the opposite ends of the world..


i have only been talking to her fora month now so we're not that close but i still want it to be a gift she will remember..

i was thinking some jewelry(mecklace, earrings.. with a stone or something) but she might take that (or her bf) as a sign that i want to be with her..

(i have told a mutual friend that i juts want to be friends so she does know it...)....

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Maybe try to put yourself in the place of her boyfriend and think about what gifts you would deem acceptable for another guy to be giving your girlfriend. That might help you get a little perspective on this and stop you going overboard. I mean, would you want some guy giving your girlfriend jewellery? Probably not. You've said nothing that indicates that her boyfriend is a bad guy, so he doesn't deserve someone putting the moves on his girlfriend.


Maybe something that will be of practical use to her would be better. Something not too sentimental. Like something that she could use at university.


I appreciate that you want to give her something special but with her in a relationship you need to be careful that what you buy is not too intimate. Be honest with yourself about your motives for buying this present. Are you trying to gain her affections or are you genuinely just trying to be nice? If you're just trying to be nice then the gift doesn't have to have sentimental value. The gesture of a friend giving a gift should be enough.


I wish you all the best...

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If you guys are good friends, you guys probably share something in common, like a secret joke, something that only the both of you would understand and laugh about. Get her something that reminds her of a secret joke that you guys share.


For example, my best friend loves Dalmatians. He collects those things and I have been known to give him cute dalmation figurines. One time I got him a little porcelain dalmation dog that opens up to drop out a little porcelain dog bone. He loves that porcelain dog and has it up on his mantle. He tells me whenever he looks at it, it makes him think of me.

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What I would LOVE to get (and it's not too romantic) is a really nice fountain pen. I have a yen for pens though, so maybe I'm not to be trusted on this one, but that would just make me melt if I got that.


I like stationery generally, so maybe a beautiful bound journal, or a book that's hard to get/track down?


Candlesticks are nice, so are picture frames. Or really nice glasses.


But yeah, the pen would do it for me - because it's not romantic, you could have something sweet 'so that you keep in touch with me', and it's a great present.


I hope you're not too hurt by this - I think love is never wasted, sometimes it's enough to say 'I think you're great' and move on.


Good luck.

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well, she likes design technology and since she will be taking product design next year at uni, i could get her something for that..

but i dont really know what she might need.. i could try to ask her in an unsuspicious way,


but any ideas?? if there are any design people here??

i dont mind if its expensiive.. cuz stuff like that is usually not cheap..

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I'm in almost the same postion. A male friend's birthday is coming up and he doesn't want (never has liked) any fuss. Fair enough. It's likely I won't be involved in the work collection (it's a significant birthday) so I want to get him something from me. I've decided on a "On This Day In History" framed personalised certificate, so it's nothing too personal that would raise eyebrows.


You said your friend is into technology and something practical for her would be a USB pen/flash drive so she can carry her data around if she uses computers a lot.


Maybe you could download her her favourite song for her mobile if she has one.


I hope this helps.



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thnx Abby buti meant deignt technology... which is stuff like product design and drawing..


Yesterday, i saw this site where u can buy a star on sum1's name..

link removed


i could buy her that but 2 things are bothering me..

1)is it right - as in, can i send it as a friend???


2)is it gud??? - cuz it doesnt go in the "official" records but its still in the cosmos records and gets published every year...


soo.. any help would be nice..

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