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Not that into me.. should I still go?

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Ok..here's the short story.


I asked a guy out, but that was a week ago, and I've figured out that he's not that into me (never initiates contact). We're having dinner tomorrow and I don't really want to go because I think it might be awkward. Should I cancel? I've already tried to cancel once, changed my mind. I don't want to look like a flake, and we're classmates.

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Hi..well we are in school the entire day, so basically we see our classmates all the time and I can see his interest waning. This is the second time we're going out, and I had to ask both times.



Well, you seem sure that he's not into you, in my opinion. I would listen to my gut, and I wouldn't go. I'd rather go out with someone who seems into me, and excited about spending time with me.

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Hi..well we are in school the entire day, so basically we see our classmates all the time and I can see his interest waning. This is the second time we're going out, and I had to ask both times.


well that changes things. i can actually really relate to your situation. i liked a guy at my job, and asked him out. we went on a first date, he didn't really initiate contact after that, but did ask me for a second time, but probably because he thought he was obligated to, and it was obvious because he ended up blowing it off twice in a row. if its obvious his interest is waning, don't bother. he might either be feeling obligated to go or actually want to, who knows, but often times our womanly intuition is on key. if you can clearly see he isn't as interested as you thought, don't bother, save yourself from more hurt later. and don't take it personally, its not your fault, you guys probably just don't click.

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make sure to go without high expectations.


i agree.... if you already have concrete plans..... then i can't see a way you can get out of it. just go, have fun, expect nothing. maybe what you think is his interest waning is just him being stressed with school? I don't know, i'm just making stuff up. Anyways, just go, try to have fun, and let him be the next one to initiate contact.


good luck


PS - if you are afraid it will be awkward, then don't order an appetizer, meal, and dessert. just order the meal, and if things aren't going well, say you need to get going after an hour because of some studying you have to do or something or an early morning meeting.

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Just wait and see what happens. Personally, i think maybe you should wait for him to ask you out, because you asked him out 2 times..... so i think it is his turn, but again, that's just what i think I would do in your shoes.


don't worry about "where things are going", just go out and have fun and let things happen as they may. I am really glad you had a good time after all!

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Hi all. I'm hugely tempted to ask this guy out again. It's really confusing because he gives all the right signals while we're out together, but does not call or do the asking out part. I do see him daily in school though. I feel like seeing him again before break happens (he's going away for break)... if I don't ask, what's a reasonable amount of time to wait before I give up?

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ok, this is just me, but i would let him call you. And if he didn't ask me out within a week or two, I would give up. Look at it this way - if you ask him out again, he might go out with you, and again the next time. but do you want to keep going out with a guy who has never called YOU and asked YOU out? it might make you sit and wonder, like it is now. give him a chance/opportunity now to call and ask you out.


but of course, you should do whatever feels right for you.

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