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  1. Gosh..I sure hope he doesn't read this forum. Anyways, I mentioned in passing today that I was interested in checking out a dance club, and he said he would take me this Friday. I guess it's a date!
  2. Hi all. I'm hugely tempted to ask this guy out again. It's really confusing because he gives all the right signals while we're out together, but does not call or do the asking out part. I do see him daily in school though. I feel like seeing him again before break happens (he's going away for break)... if I don't ask, what's a reasonable amount of time to wait before I give up?
  3. hi all...an update. I went, and we had an awesome time. Now I'm utterly confused. I guess I should wait for his next move.
  4. thanks for the replies. I think I'll go to be polite and keep the mood light, and then move on!
  5. Hi..well we are in school the entire day, so basically we see our classmates all the time and I can see his interest waning. This is the second time we're going out, and I had to ask both times.
  6. Ok..here's the short story. I asked a guy out, but that was a week ago, and I've figured out that he's not that into me (never initiates contact). We're having dinner tomorrow and I don't really want to go because I think it might be awkward. Should I cancel? I've already tried to cancel once, changed my mind. I don't want to look like a flake, and we're classmates.
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