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A class divided..Please watch

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I watched this film as part of a course I am attending and I just had to share it with you all. It has such a powerful message and would be found unethical in today's world but is something that everyone in the world should watch.


If you only find the time to watch the 'the daring lesson', 'day two' and 'teaching it to adults' you will understand what I mean I am just jaw droppingly affected by this and wondered if you felt the same?


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She (the teacher - Jane Elliott) came to talk at my high school a few years back.


I think the film is a very interesting idea - similar studies have been made at universities such as Stanford, but not about racism. I don't think it has anything to do with race: just the idea that men (as in human beings) will not go easy on their fellow men if they are given all the power.

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