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Long term relationship... doubts

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This is a question for couples who are in long term relationships, that are at least six months along. I want to ask if any of you ever have doubts about the relationship. If you ever doubt that you could spend the rest of your life with this specific guy/girl.


I've only ever been with one guy and sometimes I want to explore.

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My girlfriend and I have been together for a little over 1.5 years. She is my first, I'm her second. We just had a discussion about this yesterday. I really don't think it's abnormal at all. Especially when you're so young.


It all comes down to your willingness to make it work.

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This is a question for couples who are in long term relationships, that are at least six months along. I want to ask if any of you ever have doubts about the relationship. If you ever doubt that you could spend the rest of your life with this specific guy/girl.


I've only ever been with one guy and sometimes I want to explore.


I say that if you're having doubts NOW and want to explore....well, this is the best time to do it. Don't wait until you've been together 5 years or something, it will only cause more damage. But the truth is that if you're having these feelings now.....they're probably not going to completely go away anytime soon.

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I think it is pretty normal, even when you have a healthy relationship, to sometimes have those questions. Often they arise more out of our own internal state of happiness/unhappiness, or other stresses in life than the relationship itself, as we look to search for what changes we need to make.


I can say that I know people whom have been together for years, many of them married, whom can say that there have been times they wondered if they should keep going forward. Them having these doubts has not meant that they do not have strong, happy, healthy relationships now either. Often the doubts arose after a period of time where one or both were just not getting what they needed from the other, and once communicated, it strengthened things.


So, I think you need to figure out WHERE the doubts are coming from and why. It may be as you are young and unsure about what you want and need in life and a partner, or it may be as you just feel restless and if the relationship itself is healthy, and you love him, you may want to figure out ways to reinvigorate it.

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I think its normal...my ex BF and I got together when I was 15 and he was 18 (dont worry guys..it was very innocent and parentally supervised for a long time!)


ANyhow by 18 I was curious to explore, we broke up...6 months later reunited and stayed together for another 4 years, got engaged, moved in...and then I caved....the biggest mistake of my life.


He was my best friend, he treated me like his princess and I threw it away because I was scared that I was settling.


Now, ive dated many guys and they just dont treat me the way i believe i should be treated. Me and my ex are still friends, often times I miss him...but I dont think he'd ever trust me enough to get back together.

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