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A bug up his butt or just weird?

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A few friends from work and I go out every couple weeks or so to just hang out, drink, and let loose. A few weeks back, one of the guys from another dept came along and we all had a lot of fun. Long story short, he and I wound up getting drunk and sharing a ton of stories about ourselves that we probably otherwise wouldn't have under other circumstances. Personal stories - VERY personal stories. Now, I don't really care, I don't have too many secrets and am not easily embarrassed, and I don't judge my friends based on their past. The next thing I know, I am at his house and we're talking about life in general, then I left and drove home.


I figured I'd made a new work friend, but instead he completely avoided me all next week at work. It's gotten completely uncomfortable to be around him. I was thinking, {Mod Edit} is up with the blow off? It's not like we messed around, there was no rejection/attraction of any kind on either part, no hurt feelings, and he has a girlfriend for God's sake. FRIENDS. All the other people we hang out with tend to open up MORE after we hang outside work, not close off. Anyone remember High School - when you'd go to a party over the weekend and hang out with one crowd and then they'd totally ignore you on Monday morning? Yeah, it's like that. But we're in our late 20's. Anyone have a clue?

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Maybe he's embarrassed about what he told you. Maybe he does have secrets that nobody else knows and he let them slip and now is very self conscious.


Did he proposition you at all in any way, and get turned down? You may not even have realized if is was very low key.


Another possibility is that he has a gf. she found out and told him to cool it.


In short, there could be many reasons. Do you have a chance for a quick casual chat during the day to see if you can get any clues as to what's up?

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I'd go with ASH on this one.


He probably doesn't think you are as open minded about his personal secrets as you may have told him, and is embarressed that he opened up to you so much.


Just ignore his behaviour - he'll get over it. If you were FRIENDS he would have spoken to you about it. Maybe there is more of an attraction on his part, which he feels he may have just blown thanks to his disclosure.


Either way - it isn't truly your problem....just let things go and it'll soon pass.

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There's a reason people enter AA. Seriously, don't try to figure out the aftermath of a drunken evening. People spend WAY to much time trying to rationalize drunken behavior. Being drunk is a BAD way to meet people...it's that simple. You don't know who you "really" met that night.

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Thanks everyone for your replies!


Ash and sparkle1- I don't think he propositioned me, even subtly. And if he did and I just didn't notice, well shame on him! When we were at his house we sat in opposite corners of the room, and really just talked about his love life.


As for being embarrassed, he said some of the same stuff in front of the other girls that were there with us at the bar. He has no problem with them now. It has to be because I went back to his house, as I was the only one who did so.


I guess I could try to analyze it forever and still have no clue. I'm definitely not comfortable asking him what's up, especially since when I said hello to him yesterday, he didn't even say hello back. It's not worth it - I'll claim it as my own poor judgement and hope I don't need his help with something at work anytime soon.

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After my last post, I decided to give up trying to be nice - it had done no good and was wasting my time. Even though I hate people who can't even utter a hello or good morning when passing you in the hall at work, I decided to do the same, as I was getting a better response from a brick wall. Surprisingly, just ignoring him makes things less uncomfortable for me.


Although not for lack of trying. For the past two days he was coming into my dept. a lot more than normal. Yesterday whenever he'd pass me he'd make sure I knew he was there by making a lot of noise. I was looking for a customer file and he slammed his hand against the side of the cabinet as if to startle me, then kept walking. He flicked a piece of paper I had tacked up in the back of my cube while he was walking away, and then later he beat on the cardboard boxes sitting right outside my cube. I started imagining a cartoon bull [with a HUGE EGO] with steam pouring out of his nose.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My handle comes from the fact that everyone thinks my name is Lava - apparently my handwriting is such that my r's look like v's. So I just jokingly gave myself this nickname and it stuck.


To end this story, I finally had my chance to confront him Friday and asked him directly why he was such a **ck to me all these weeks. He said he doesn't like me because I call him out on things. Basically, he didn't appreciate the fact that I told him that I thought maybe he wasn't ready to get married because he's still seeing three girls on the side of his "perfect relationship." I also now suspect that everyone was right and that he was annoyed because I didn't jump him.


Oh well *shrug*

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