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Does this sound like this guy likes me?

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Okay first off, I work at a local retail store, there is this guy who is one of our stockguys when he first started working he wouldn't say one word to me but he'll just smile and maybe carry on a conversation with me, it started to get really intense over the last month, on one occasion as I was putting away boxes he comes up behinds and starts holding my hand and kisses me or at least tried too and then OMG , I started feeling something so strong and I just felt something between us


every since then we been just going back and forth noting more though just that he will come around me and hold my hand


I asked him what do you want from me? he wont say anything to me, he just says you know I want it. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?


I am actually quiting this job he keeps playing games with me, I felt something so strong between us but do you think he has feelings for me as well ? Cause he always coming back to me- holding me and such.


And this strong feeling that I have? should I just move on from it? Its so weird cause I get butterflies everytime I know that I will be seeing him at work.


Some days he will be all over me, and then the next day he won't say anything to me. WHAT IS GOING ON???

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If you want to date him then tell him that he needs to stop coming on to you at work because it's inappropriate, and that if he wants to date you he can ask you out in advance and if you are free you will go out.


To me, feelings or otherwise, he sounds overly aggressive and inappropriate in his touching you while at work. I would be careful and only go on a date in a public place unless you want to end up in bed right away.

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