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Moving away from an un-trustworthy boyfriend

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On April 1st I'm moving 18 hours away from home to make money for university. This also means i will be 18 hours away from my boyfriend, but I'll only be gone for 3 months.


I'm extremely excited about moving, meeting new people, living on my own, ect. The only delehma is that I have had very serious trust issues with my boyfriend in the past as he had cheated on me. Its been 4 months since I found out he cheated on me and I am moving past it and have gained most of my trust back, but the thought of leaving really worries me because I wont be around to hold his hand.


This trip is a once in a lifetime experience and I'm so worried about leaving my boyfriend behind that it's giving me doubtful feelings on whether i should go.


I feel trapt and I don't know what to do...

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Go. Quite simply, go. If your boyfriend has not learned anything and is going to cheat, then the only way to stop him is for you to forever keep him on a short leash. That's no way for either of you to live.


Go. If he cheats, two strikes and he should be out. He may leanr someday, but he won't be worth your heartache.

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