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How do you know if you're bisexual?

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O.K. so I'm a girl...I tend to fall in love with women but am sexually attracted to men. I haven't had a relationship with a person of either gender. But can you be bisexual if you say...fantasize about being in a relationship with a woman but having sex with a man? ...Or if any sexual feelings you feel for a woman are secondary to or come along wit or are barely noticed compared to the emotions..the whole "falling in love" thing...And what if you can only picture yourself being in a relationship with a guy even though all of your heartbreaks have been caused by women, whereas the men you've liked seemed to only have been infatuation.....Oh, and I might have fallen in love with both guys and girls. but it feels different for each gender and this is all over the course of a lifetime, not just one person or something? And what exactly constitutes "falling in love?" What if I really just want companionship from women because I haven't been in a relationship and don't have anyone to talk to a lot? Yeah, I'm kind of confused...because I thought I was heterosexual and would date guys and everything, and I still want to...but when I think about it, the people I think of when I say "Yeah, I know about heartbreak, unrequited love, love" whatever...are usually women...usually - there are a few guys too. Please give me some advice. Thank you to anyone who's still reading this! (I know, I tend to ramble...)

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The difference between the two, is if you feel sexual lust for one compared to the other, or both. If you're just wanting to be in a relationship with a woman, but not sexually attracted to her, that's simply being friends, which is perfectly normal; it could be that you seem to think a female friend in a relationship is more understanding of how you might feel and think; and thus is why you want a relationship with one... ?


I mean, I have a relationship with my mother, but I obviously do not think of her sexually. She's my friend! I have and like our relationship very much! Same with my guy friends - I'm obviously not attracted to them, I'm straight... but I love our friendship, because they're like the apples, whereas a girlfriend would be my orange. Both are different. My guy friends I can relate to on one level, because we have male similarities, but then my girlfriend I can have a romantic relationship with.


So, the only difference is whether you lust after that gender sexually, or not. If you do not desire women in a physically sexual way, only men, then you're not bisexual.

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