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I dont know what my problem is

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but all of a sudden i've started to avoid going to work.


i cry at the drop of a hat


infact I have spent most of the morning in my office bawling.


i feel like i have no energy. I hate my body. I dont want to go out with friends anymore.


I dont know whats going on with me. Or what I can do about it, but I just recently started to feel this way.


I have a good job, i have SO many friends, I have plenty of good things in my life, but still i feel like i'm at the end of my emotional rope.


Any suggestions on what may be making me feel this way?



--i'll also add that my grandfather passed away in early december. a week before my birthday. my mother actually forgot about my 23rd birthday completely (which I understand) but she's still greiving and was put on antidepressants last week. MOnday, my mother found a lump in her breast and has to go in for a needle biopsy next tuesday. my dad found a lump in his arm last week and will also be having a biopsy done. My boyfriend has been asking me to move in with him, but he's a state away (he's an active member of the military) and I do want to be with him, but i'm scared that i wont find a job, or friends, or that he'll get sick of me. I also have a hard time with even thinking that I will have to leave behind my life long friends.

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but all of a sudden i've started to avoid going to work.


i cry at the drop of a hat


infact I have spent most of the morning in my office bawling.


i feel like i have no energy. I hate my body. I dont want to go out with friends anymore.


I dont know whats going on with me. Or what I can do about it, but I just recently started to feel this way.


I have a good job, i have SO many friends, I have plenty of good things in my life, but still i feel like i'm at the end of my emotional rope.


Any suggestions on what may be making me feel this way?



Hi Piratelady,


There is not an awful lot to go on in your post to suggest why you are feeling this way. I mean you indicate that pretty much everything in your life is good at the moment.


My first thought if I'm honest is that you may be suffering from depression, and if so then you will need more qualified help to determine the root cause. I would suggest that a trip to your doctor is in order, and better sooner than later.


Take care...

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Hi there. I agree that it sounds like you are experiencing clinical depression. When the things that used to make you happy do not anymore (your jobs, friends, etc.) that's usually one of the first signs. Spontaneous crying is also common with depression.


Has there been anything stressful happening in your life? Sometimes depression is brought about by a stressful/traumatic event or loss- other times it may not need a trigger/particular reason and be purely chemical in nature.


There are things that can help. Some people opt for medication, others for counseling, some do both. Talk to your doctor about it. Do not be embarrassed either. Almost everyone experiences something like this at some point in their lives. You do not have to suffer in silence or alone.



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--i'll also add that my grandfather passed away in early december. a week before my birthday. my mother actually forgot about my 23rd birthday completely (which I understand) but she's still greiving and was put on antidepressants last week. MOnday, my mother found a lump in her breast and has to go in for a needle biopsy next tuesday. my dad found a lump in his arm last week and will also be having a biopsy done. My boyfriend has been asking me to move in with him, but he's a state away (he's an active member of the military) and I do want to be with him, but i'm scared that i wont find a job, or friends, or that he'll get sick of me. I also have a hard time with even thinking that I will have to leave behind my life long friends.


Was this added to your original post? Because some of the posters said they weren't sure what might be making you feel the way you feel, but all of the above would be stressful and very difficult, and I can completely understand why you would be feeling overwhelmed and very emotional right now.


Both of your parents are going through biopsies, and that's scary, hon. Plus, your boyfriend seems to care about you very much, but he's not right there with you, which also makes things harder. Not to mention, moving to be with him is a big decision you're facing, and there are pros and cons on each side of the coin.


This is a lot to deal with right now....*HUGS*. Could you maybe make an appointment with a counselor to talk through all of your fears and uncertainties? It sounds like you're overwhelmed, and you might need to clear your head a bit and get your feet back under you.

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